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roblox always starts my rift software despite me telling rift to NOT accept third party applications

So I have under settings/general for oculus to NOT open for third party however the oculus software always starts when a roblox game is started, thus leaving roblox trying to open in this weird virtual reality browser view on my desktop and not playing in a normal view. When I close oculus software it then closes the roblox software. The only thing that telling oculus to NOT play third party stops is from it displaying INSIDE the rift viewer (which displays a prompt that tells me to allow third parties to view the content) however it has no effect on the oculus software otherwise WANTING to run it and shutting down the 3rd party software when it is turned off. (also opening roblox in a crappy virtual reality browser window on the PC desktop and the headset controlling tracking within that desktop window) The only remedy I can think of is disconnecting ALL the rift stuff to trick the PC into not trying to use it.Very annoying. Any ideas???

Honored Guest
Go to settings and turn on "Allow Unknown Source's"
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