12-26-2024 08:06 PM
Due to some "suspicious activity" i am not able to make purchases. I understand that that can happen. but what is absolutely appauling is that there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. a screen pops up that says for my safety I can't make purchases and to file an appeal. but you can't file an appeal. meta quest has made it to where you can never get help with anything, let alone make an appeal. I had to jump through hoops for an hour just to finally chat with someone that basically said "hopefully someone will email you because I can't help". so the 500 hundreds dollars christmas present i bought my daughter has to be returned, because a billion dollar tech company can't figure out how to allow me to send them so much of my hard earned money. I've had tons of bad experiences with things in my life. but I have never been more frustrated or disappointed with the absolute worthless customer support from meta. although I can't call it that because there isn't any customer support. Just a search bar that takes you to the same screen telling what cards they accept
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