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[solved] Having issues with the customer service: radio silence after giving information

Honored Guest

EDIT: Today I finally got some response. Still don't know what is causing the miscommunication (reminders, same questions).

I have a big complaint about the customer service. I have 2 hardware issues (wobbly left thumb stick and assembly fault with the facial interface). For both I made a support ticket two weeks ago. For both I answered some questions, like shipping information and receipt. After this, complete silence! And I get a reminder:



This is an automated response to your support ticket.
We’re checking in here to see if you still need our help on this support ticket.
If your issue or concern is resolved now, that’s great! Just respond to this email and let us know so we can close your ticket.
If your issue or concern isn’t resolved and you still need assistance, please respond to this email as soon as possible and let us know so we can help.
If we don’t hear back from you in the next 5 days, your ticket will automatically close. We look forward to hearing from you soon.



I respond to this two more times.  They tell me that I didn't give my shipping information (while I did). I gave them the exact same information. After this: radio silence. This is not customer friendly. And I am completely left in the dark about the status of my tickets.

  1. What is going wrong?
  2. Is this expected behavior from the Meta Customer Service?
  3. Should I not answer these automated messages?
  4. What is the best way for getting the right support?

p.s. there is one strange thing though: When I want to ask for a replacement facial interface, the page says my region is France. While I live in the Netherlands and I bought it from The page refuses to accept any Dutch address.

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