12-30-2024 12:44 PM
Hello everyone, I purchased Star Trek Bridge crew which is advertised as multilingual (english, french, german). I'm located in France and my meta account is french. When i try change the language from French to english the option is shown grey like this < FRANCAIS > and is locked to french and unable to change to any other language. Spent hours with Meta support. Ended up deleting the app and re purchasing it after changing the language settings of my headset to English. Nothing doing, the game is launched in french. I even deleted again, put my vpn location to the US and buy one version on my PC in USD. One might assume this time its in english but no, the game launches in french no matter what... Ended getting refunded.... Just such a shame we cannot install the english version over here. Any thoughts ? Thanks
12-30-2024 01:16 PM
@dodgyfrenchman do you have a VPN on your phone? maybe delete the mobile app and reinstall with the VPN also set to the US, as a last resort factory reset the headset with your wifi VPN set to the US. Sorry, just random guesses.
12-31-2024 06:48 AM
Thank you for taking the time to reply, its more that i could get from hours with meta support. I can try but even with VPN set to USA, the google play will always propose app in french.... Also since I have bought the game and got refunded 3 times, chances are they won t refund me a 4th time if things dont work. Im hoping someone from the developer would propose a solution
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