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sudden drop in fps steamvr, high framtimes w\reprojection, was working fine a couple days ago


Hello, I built my first pc a couple days ago, and was running some games on steam vr. all was fine and everything was running great, even just on virtual desktop with no link cable. however now its having super high frame times on steam vr going from green to yellow or solid red, reprojection i believe.  I've tried running on both virtual desktop and through a link cable and some cases the link cable makes it even worse! so far i have tried updating windows, updating my quest 3 firmware. updating video drivers, checking network speeds, resetting the router, pc and headset.  im feeling very defeated at this point and no matter who i have asked, nothing has worked. i even full uninstalled vd, and steam vr and reinstalled and im still getting between 15-25ms on frametimes and 10 to 20 ms latency from the game according to steam overlay. all of this has caused games to become unstable, where as they were playing perfectly wirelessly. even games that are not very complicated to run such as rick and morty virtual rickality.       


My PC specs are as follows: 


RTX 4070

32gb DDR4 ram

asrock b660m pro rs mobo

750W psu


Network speeds from fast com 


honestly idk what to do at this point besides fully reinstall windows, but to do that ill have to get another key. if anyone can help me here it would be greatly appreciated




Honored Guest

Your internet speed has nothing to do with your Wi-Fi speed. Do you connect you PC to your router via ethernet cable? Using a dedicated Wi-Fi 6E router will also help as only your quest will be using the available bandwidth. Also it's worth checking you VD streamer setting on your PC My VD streamer settingsMy VD streamer settings

that is not what im saying, this is a sudden thing it was running fine before with little to no latency, it can be incredibly unstable on BOTH virtual desktop, and on a link cable though metas link app.  my pc is connected via ethernet. sometimes on certain games it can be alright. but others it can drop my frames blow 30fps with framtimes over 30ms. if you look at vds overlay while in steam vr. on the right there is a list of stuff like game, network etc, the one that says "game" is going over 10.  im running a quest 3 on the av1 streamer 


and my graphics are set to ultra in vd

H264+ codec gives you more bandwidth. I run at 500mps I also found that increasing my FPS to 90 helped. Mine too seemed to slow down suddenly after a windows 11 update 


If possible, try connecting your PC and Quest 3 to a dedicated network (ideally a 5GHz network) without other devices that could be hogging the bandwidth. Test your network speed, especially if you're using wireless. Slow speeds could be causing latency issues, even if the headset was working fine before.


Mini Militia App Lock 




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