08-04-2024 04:42 PM - last edited on 08-07-2024 09:28 AM by NolaBaby
i cant add a card to my account no matter what device I'm using or what card I'm trying to add. I also can't find any actually useful information on how to fix this issue other than "just contacted support they'll fix it for you." or its just an automated AI response that doesnt help at all.
08-07-2024 09:50 AM
Hello @FloppyApples , we noticed that you are experiencing trouble with adding payment method. We understand how frustrating this can be. We've got you covered. Let's try the following instructions below to add your new payment method to your PC or mobile phone.
If you are not able to add the payment method even after doing the above steps, please send us a private message.
Please select our name to get to our profile page, or click here: https://metaque.st/CommunitySupport. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
08-08-2024 01:59 PM
Knock Knock!
Are you there? If you still need help, please let us know. We are eager to help.
08-09-2024 06:00 AM
Quest support, are you serious with that? He made a post saying that he can't add payment methods regardless of what device and storefront he is using. And all you did in response to that was paste the same exact canned response that gets pasted every single time. Customers keep having this same issue. It's even more worthless in this case because he opened the thread telling you he had already done that and you copied and pasted the same tired old canned response again anyway. And when instead of cussing you out for how absolutely insulting to your customer that was and how worthless that was he did the kind thing and just kept his mouth closed you post another reply asking if he still needs help though. You never provided any type of actual help, and then made sure we know that you're eager to help.
It's fantastic that you're eager to help. So help. Escalate all of these issues with us being unable to add payment methods, with us. Trying to pay through PayPal and PayPal. Sending us an email at the end telling us that meta canceled our billing. It's not an issue with a website. Meta is actively canceling the payment. We try to set up through PayPal. Every single time. Regardless of the browser or the app or the network or the device we're using. Please stop giving that worthless canned response. If you were eager to help, then get some people together and figure out what the issue or misplaced or depreciated flag in your account databases that is causing this issue with our account. Because I guarantee you it is an issue on Meta/Facebook's end, and it is an issue with all of our individual accounts.
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If you need an agent to help with your Meta device, please contact our store support team here.
Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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