12-22-2024 05:25 AM - edited 12-22-2024 05:41 AM
since battery is dead, the controller is not recognized when added new battery.
so went into re pair. i am able to remove the paired controller in the settings
and re paired it. but once repaired controller
1. solid light is there for some seconds and then
2. it turns off
3. then it starts SOS pattern.
4. App starts with firmware update, message says, "Please wait a few minutes"
5. After a long period of time the SOS light pattern is also switched off.
meanwhile when i put the headset on, it is not showing the controller is connected. nor in the app.
which is not ending. more than a hour.
note: SOS mode in controller. (3 quick blinks, 3 slow blinks, 3 quick blinks)
Please help !!!
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