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way to actually contact support regarding account issue?

Honored Guest
I'm having an issue trying to get my son(12 yrs old) account setup.
doesn't address my issue.   We double-verified that DOB on account set to proper date, showing 12 yrs old.
What we expect to happen:
"If an account owner enters a date of birth showing that they’re between 10 and 12, then they will be provided a link to share with a parent or guardian to invite them to manage their Meta account."
What is actually happening:
prompting him to supply form of ID proving age.
When I scroll to the bottom of the page, I click "Contact support"(Still need help?)
I click on "Account"
I click "App or service"(my issue is related to Meta accounts.....")
page reads:   Our Meta Store Support team is not able to help with account issues unrelated to using a device, so let's get you to the right place.
I click on "Meta Account FAQ"
.....never given the opportunity to actually "contact support".
it seems like a loop.
please help?   any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Accepted Solutions


Hi @WorthTalking2

send a PM @MetaQuestSupport 

click on the name to visit the profile page, then click the "send a message" button.

They are able to help you.


View solution in original post




Contacting the support is stupid as hell.
They probably won't even help you to be honest like they did to me.

Unfortunately I recommend refunding the device and buying a vr headset from other company that cares about their consumers.

Best regards


Hi @WorthTalking2

send a PM @MetaQuestSupport 

click on the name to visit the profile page, then click the "send a message" button.

They are able to help you.


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