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Status: New Idea

The main request: please do something to fix the the synchronization problem over link. Stuttering and jittering plauge alot of games regardless of settings. Also, leaving the resolution att 100% and instead increasing the pixel override decreases the shimmering in games, this should therefor be the standard approach in the client me thinks.


1. Please add the ability to reset tracking of the headset. Almost Everytime an app fails to load, often to ambitious game settings, the tracking goes wierd and the environment renders strangely. Not having to restart the service would be great.

2. Please add some (if not all) debug settings in the client and make changes to ASW, gpu scaling permanent.

3. Please add the ability to make the dash darkmode. For no other reason then to save this poor, tortured soul's eyes.

4. Please add back the ability to get notifications and tehe ability to respond to messages, apps calls from my phone. The more the better.