06-08-2016 09:33 PM
Outside of the sphere looks like this.
06-09-2016 12:32 PM
06-09-2016 03:11 PM
06-09-2016 04:16 PM
MissFacetious said:
As for the photo stretch, you can add empty space on the top and bottom of your picture, the picture you took on your phone in cardboard doesn't have the information from the ground or sky so it's stretching. You'd need a 360 camera to take that picture to that part of the photo, or merge in the sky and ground pics into your texture pic in Unity. I'm wondering how to do this without a 360 camera myself so any findings on that, let me know!
06-11-2016 11:20 AM
06-14-2016 10:44 AM
06-20-2016 10:18 AM
tanyalealsoto said:
Dia de los Muertos shrine sounds awesome!!! Let me know if I can help! I designed shrines in Mexico City for the yearly Shrine exhibit in el Zocalo... ehem my team won first place 4 out of 5 years we participated :smile: - AND my dad's family is from Patzcuaro Michoacan, where one of the BIGGEST dia de los muertos celebration around the country happens.
06-20-2016 10:19 AM
akababa said:
Nice! I was just looking at this book on amazon today, maybe you want to check it out? https://smile.amazon.com/Art-Book-Life-Jorge-Gutierrez/dp/1616555335/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1465669112&sr=8-1&keywords=the+art+of+book+of+life