This has been my first full week back to work and finally back on East coast time (for the most part) after our trip to California. I haven't got a whole lot of creative work done, but I've done a ton of planning and reaching out to people. I left Launch Pad with big dreams for my application, but when it comes right down to creating a demo by the deadline for Launch Pad I've had to make some hard choices that I'm just not going to have that dream interactive app by August.
For planning, I used Trello to map out the phases of my application and split those phases into steps and assets I will need to complete for those phases. As of right now we have shot 2 hiking experiences. The OCD part of me wants to go out and reshoot those experiences because we shot those experiences when there was snow on the ground and it is now summertime and everything is green and beautiful. I really need to start being realistic with myself. So we are planning out 3 new hikes over the next couple of months to create new experiences.
My husband is my Unity guy so he had already started building the menu system before our California trip. Next week I plan to get into Unity and figure out what he started and how I can help him finish it out.
Funding. I think this is the thing that is bringing me the most stress right now. I'm used to the system of I build something for a client, bill them and I get paid. For this particular project, I'm building in partnership with a local non-profit that provides technology resources for people with disabilities. They are going to help me get funding for the project through grants and sponsorships. I'm meeting with them next week to talk to them about my launch pad experience. I reached out to a couple of potential sponsors this week. One potential sponsor is super excited about Smoky Mountain VR and is trying to figure out how much they can contribute and connect me with other potential sponsors.
As of right now we are bootstrapping this project. I would love to be able to hire some freelance 3D modelers and graphics designers when I get some money coming in. Until then I just have to do the best with what I've got. So with that said, anyone know of some awesome beginner level 3D modeling tutorials? : )
Your project sounds beautiful! I've been diving into an Udemy class on Blender (which is free!) but very time consuming to learn, at least for a beginner like myself. You can fid the course here:
There are also a 3D community I like to follow on facebook, you can check them out here:
I second SketchFab! Its a really fast and easy way to "check" your models in real 3D - love that I can just do it on my phone and pop it into a Cardboard when Im out and about. 🙂