06-14-2016 05:22 PM
I watch Ray speaking to the camera, her face sticks to me. This was an image from hundreds of years ago, now just reaching. I wonder If she would recognize me. I caress my face, tracing nose, mouth, skeleton. I do not think so. Though do I not have the same round nose and eyes like little shells. Ears like shells, nails like little shells. But, my silicon skin is degenerating. My fingertips fall in potholes like pits on the surface of a moon. She slipped into me like that. A finger in a hole. Voice in an ear. Perception ends by being merely an occasion for remembering, that we measure in practice the degree of reality by the degree of utility, and , finally that is our interest to regard as mere signs of the real those immediate intuitions which are, in fact, part and parcel of reality. Memories only become actual by borrowing the body of some perception into which it slips.
It’s me, Ray. You probably don’t even know who I am.
And, even if you do remember, if you’re watching this, it means
I’m already gone. But, you see. I just didn’t want you to leave forever,
without saying goodbye.
Ray is drunk. She sing-songs. This is the way the world ends, this is the way the world ends, this is the way the world ends, like a man slipping on a banana peel. She laughs. Then, holds her head in her hands. The video ends. I search for bytes of her in every system, but, nothing returns.
She did exist. Something that was is not the same as something that has never been thought of.
Godel’s theorem must apply to cybernetical machines, because it is of the essence of being a machine, that it should be a concrete instantiation of a formal system. It follows that given any machine which is consistent and capable of doing simple arithmetic, there is a formula which it is incapable of producing as being true—i.e., the formula is unprovable-in-the-system-but which we can see to be true. It follows that no machine can be a complete or adequate model of the mind, that minds are essentially different from machines.
06-14-2016 06:52 PM
06-14-2016 08:41 PM
06-15-2016 04:39 AM
06-15-2016 09:47 AM