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Moki’s Adventures: Week 13

I can’t believe the time has come!

It’s been an amazing journey, as I’ve mentioned on the Facebook group, I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have been a part of this brilliant, ambitious, talented group of Creators! It truly has been an honor and I will cherish this experience. I hope we will stay in touch and continue helping each other along with inspiration, lessons and insights!


I’ve made a big decision this week. My husband has been seeing the work, passion and strides I’ve been making, and we’ve decided that it is totally worth pursuing full-time so that I may make the Demo I’ve envisioned. I am so elated and grateful! It feels so good to have won his heart after all these weeks! I’ve written up how we came to this decision on the blog if you’re curious.

Truth be told, my demo is not nearly as developed as I would have liked it to be to make the 1.0 cut, but I’m going to give Oculus my best on Saturday and hope they see it’s potential it has. 

So please feel free to continue following along progress and lessons on my blog where I will continue regular updates.

And now for my last Launch Pad Update:

Goals for this past week

° Goal 1: Get Demo 1.0 Mechanics flushed out
        •  Get Turtle animated and moving
        •  Make Info-Card with information about the Turtle and its lifestyle

° Goal 2:  Get Presentation Materials flushed out

° Goal 3: Get Demo 1.0 Scenery flushed out as much as possible
        •  Design & Rig Moki (!?)
        •  Finalize Vegetation, creatures and props (still have butterflies and birds to import)

° Bonus: Start identifying audio assets for ambiance, ocean, creatures, UI and just for fun


This past week has been a total roller-coaster with regards to my Oculus Launch Pad Demo, in a good way. I am happy to report that this past week in Stockholm has given me just the wind, fuel, support I needed to encourage me to make a big decision this week.

Progress from a more project oriented standpoint:

• Placed Info-Cards (content is still work-in-progress)
• Added Pier to the first point of interest 
• Updated the Script and content

Production decisions made:

• Audio, Animation and Volumetric fog (rolling over inside of the Island) are now out-of-scope for Aug 27 deadline.
• The Moki character, role, interaction with first person viewer and branding is an additional storytelling layer that will have to be postponed until the overall concept and User interaction is more clear.

The latest build Video – complete work in progress!

(wish I could figure out how to embed video from youtube in this editor)

Goals for this coming week

° Goal 1: finalize content at all points of interest for demo 1.0

° Goal 2: finalize presentation materials for Oculus Scholarship form

° Goal 3: SUBMIT A KICK-ASS DEMO on Saturday.

I wish you all the best in this last stretch and hope to see some kick-ass demos! If not this week, soon :smile:

You are all going to change the world, so make it count! I believe in you.

All my best,
