In the past few days we've made some huge strides (Hooray for working builds pushed to the headset!) but we've also hit a few serious snags. We lost about 50% of the work on our environment when we had a transfer failure. Even after running a recovery program, it seems that those strides in our level are gone, and we're back at work trying to recreate what we've lost. We're also considering purchasing assets (only those that are marked clearly as being able to be used for commercial release once purchased) but we hate to take that step when we've been working so hard to create a space that is uniquely our own.
The build we have working on the headset (again, hooray, so exciting to see that for someone who has never programmed before) is gaze and tap to move, and that's where my request for advice comes in. I made sure that all the geometry I've imported into Unity has a collision mesh, but my gaze and tap still takes me through the geometry. I'm not sure how to stop that from happening. For the sake of navigation, and comfort, it's vital that the user can't pass through those environmental pieces.
I'll be back again tomorrow with some more of our pre-production work, so that you can see what we've been working on since May, and where we're planning to go. I'm also hoping to have some imagery of the experience in-engine, if we can get back the ground we lost after yesterday's transfer failure. I hope everyone is doing well. On to my next adventure, video capture!
HI! So sorry to hear about losing work. That is always such a bummer. What's a transfer failure exactly? There's no backup copy of the assets?
Also, I think for your project there's a bunch of ways to do it, but I would try to add Rigidbody components to at least one of your things that are running into each other. So you would probably want to add it to your character mesh instead of each piece of geometry.
Also, are you using a mesh collider that's created when you import the 3D object? I've heard that those can be expensive on the computer's resources, so depending on how complex your space is, it might be easier to just use Box Colliders attached to otherwise empty game objects.
@rkoman Sorry to hear about the data loss. That sucks..wishing you a speedy re-build!! Would be happy to help you set up some kind of version control/backup system, if you'd like.. I've been pushing most of the guts of my project to a GitHub repository (for safekeeping in the cloud) at the end of each day. I use it from the command line, but there is also a GUI for GitHub, where you pretty much drag 'n drop stuff to upload copies of the latest project stuff..