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Sarah Barrick - Launch Pad - Weeks 10 & 11: The Lincoln Experience

Expert Protege
These past two weeks have been unexpectedly tough with my build. I've rebuilt my Unity file three times (four separate builds total.) A few weeks ago I was able to deploy the greybox version of my scene with no issues. Being able to be inside of something I built on my own (and as someone with almost zero programming skills, no less!) I was even more invigorated in bringing my vision to life! 

Merrily I worked away on building out my scene, dropping in new assets, audio files, triggers and fades. I struggled for a short time setting up triggers and colliders, and timing animation cycles. Proud of my labor of love, I anxiously began my final build.

"BEHOLD!" I thought to myself, as I watched the assets compile effortlessly as my APK file prepared to be birthed into the world. "The promised land is nye!!"

Smiling to myself, not unlike Gollum lovingly stroking and cooing to his Precious, I plugged my S6 into my GearVR and placed the holy viewer over my eyes. 

Made with Unity

The splash screen lights up before my eyes. I am giddy with anticipation and excitement; countless hours of sweat and tears have gone into this scene and I am wholly prepared to be transported into a world that I, alone, had built. 

The screen suddenly goes black. 

Mere seconds tick by, then suddenly... the Oculus store begins loading in my viewer. 

What the *expletive deleted*!? Are you *expletive deleted" kidding me!!?

Quickly I pull the headset off, unplug the phone and look at the screen in disbelief. Did I do something wrong? Maybe my build settings were incorrect? I reopened my Unity file and double-checked all of my build settings. I run the build again and quickly plug my phone back into the headset.

Made with Unity

Flashes before my eyes again... I cross my fingers. I cross my toes. I cross my heart hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.

An ugly crashing sound is emitted from the phone's speaker, before the screen goes black once again. 

Once more I find myself inside the Oculus store, a babbling brook flowing through a familiar virtual pagoda.

Again the headset comes off. Defeat begins to set in as I start to Google for solutions to my problem. I check the Console tab for any errors in my file or from my build.... but the tab sits blank, offering my neither encouragement nor clarity. I huff and stare, until my eyes are red and my lids begin to droop closed, despite my best efforts. I am 11 pages deep into my google search and nowhere is there a shred of advice to be found. Year old Oculus forums posts sit empty and abandoned, with the others before me experiencing the same unknown, unexplained phenomenon. I wonder silently if they ever resolved their issue, or if, like me, they accepted defeat and moved on. A new scene, a new build....

Luckily, I know a programmer (thank you, husband!) who, though unfamiliar with Unity, was able to build a debug log for my file. We ran it, hoping against hope, that we could glean a piece of information, just a snippet... just one little string... that could provide some insight into the cause of my distress.

[EGL] Unable to acquire context: EGL_BAD_ACCESS: EGL cannot access a requested resource

Ok! Its something! We jumped back into another flurry of google searches. This time, some more information was to be found:

Reinstall OSIG file.
Reinstall Unity.
Sorry bro, just make a new scene.

OK, so we try these suggestions. We download the OSIG file again.


Reinstall Unity and confirm there are no patches or updates required.


Rebuild entire scene from scratch.

Same problem. 

At this point, we are at a loss. I posted to the Facebook group, but the suggestions I got didnt solve the problem. 

We posted to the Oculus main forums, and the only response I got was referring to an older version of Unity (which I'm not currently using.)

I'm including the link here to my original post, which contains links to the debug log and a GitHub with my Unity file and build. If anyone has any suggestions we could try I would really appreciate it! At this point I plan to send along my greybox demo build, and include my asset-filled scene in the scholarship application so that I can meet the requirements. 

Edit 1: I am using Unity 5.4.0f3. 

Oh my gosh, sorry to hear!!! This sucks! We are still testing stuff ourselves and not even close to uploading yet and already panicking when hearing all these stories. Gah!!

Not applicable
Have you tried just running a Gear VR sample project to see if it's the project/scene's issue or your setup?

I had to remove OpenGL3 from Player Settings->Other Settings->Graphics API to stop a horrible black screen of death recently, but it sounds like different issues potentially.

Expert Protege
@SBarrick What version of Unity are you using? 
also, could you upload the logcat?

Good luck, as another non-programmer, I hope one of the brilliant folks in our group can help you!

Expert Protege

@SBarrick What version of Unity are you using? 
also, could you upload the logcat?

Hi @erica_layton, yes you can find it here and I am using Unity 5.4.0f3

Have you tried just running a Gear VR sample project to see if it's the project/scene's issue or your setup?

I had to remove OpenGL3 from Player Settings->Other Settings->Graphics API to stop a horrible black screen of death recently, but it sounds like different issues potentially.

Thanks @MissFacetious, we did try removing OpenGL3, but the same issue occurred. We were able to run a sample project though with no issues - but it was an empty scene with a simple 3D plane and no camera.