Launchpad 2016
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Forum Posts

A little Detour & A Conversation on VR

Before I go about sharing my experiences with VR so far, I wanted to share some not so happy news and why it has taken me this long to write a blog post. Unfortunately, I had all of my Oculus gear stolen in San Francisco the same evening as the bootc...

ishabir by Honored Guest
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Ali Ivmark (Moki’s Adventures): Week 8

This week has flown by and been chock-full of progress! I've posted the extended version of my Update on my blog here.Last Week’s goals° Complete the Pluralsight tutorial.° Play Ori and The Blind Forest. ° Start building out Moodboards/Styleguides.° ...

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akababa by Protege
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Aliah Darke - Launch Pad Week 6 "VRGN + VRBBQ"

Oof. A few days late. It has been a long week. I'll upload another video post at my regularly scheduled Thursday.This week a few things happened:Had an interview with a VR startup that went pretty well. I got to check out a demo and then have an exte...

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Weekly Update - Last Week

I have been taking a break from working on my Launch Pad project this past week. This is primarily because I hit a wall in writing the business plan around this because there are no numbers available, no empirical data on sales of vr titles and no de...

Digitized - UX design and Presentation

Hello, everyone.This is my first discussion posting. I had to visit my country, South Korea by personal reason. To be honest, I am a little challenging for my project because of a kind of crunch time.Anyway, my project is to explore the relationship ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Read Only Memories VR dev: Week 1

Hey everyone! We're plugging away at making a Read Only Memories VR experience, learning as we go! Building in VR is a big departure from our 2D iteration, but we're figuring it out! Here's us fiddling with cameras, we can't afford an Oculus right no...

midboss by Explorer
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Ali Ivmark: Moki’s Adventures Update

Hi guys! This week has been an intensely fun one! The idea for the game is not only taking shape but taking form – finally! I've made strides learning Blender and designing artwork in the low poly aesthetic. I've re-evaluated the flow I'm looking to ...

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akababa by Protege
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Oliver Pecha: Launch Pad updates

WEEK 1<< Shooting a movie around beautiful locations without actors producers or experience with given gear>>As many of you know, I am doing a project with in which we are exploring VR together. We have started with a pilot VR 360 mov...

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Update Atomic Vacation I've been doing some legwork for the robot interviews in Osaka (thinking spring) In addition to working with a tutor to learn conversational Japanese, I took a day long shooting and stitch...

DrSzilak by Expert Protege
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TUTORIAL: VR Networked Player with Avatar

For folks interested in trying multiplayer experiences, in VR, here is a presentation of techniques I have observed in various examples on the web. A link to the text notes used to create the following tutorial series can be found here: https://docs....

3DNegro by Protege
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Launchpad update - Peggy Wu

Hello all,Since participating in the launchpad event, I have begun working on a VR based project to support Aphasia therapy. Aphasia is a communication disorder often attributed to neurological damage, e.g. stroke survivors who loose capabilities in ...

peggywu by Explorer
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Aquma - Launch Pad Update 3: VR de los Muertos

I haven't had as much time or energy for development as I hoped. I started a full time gig for about 5-6 weeks teaching kids how to make games and apps. It's great and all...just draining to be on socially for so long and to have a 2 hour commute. 13...

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Aliah Darke Launch Pad Week 5 "VRGN + WTFBBQ?"

It's a really sad day to be a black person in America today, as it was yesterday, as it will be tomorrow. Philando Castile is on my mind; I can't stop hearing the voice of his daughter trying to comfort her mother after she watched the life drain out...

Launch Pad Update - UW-Extension

Hi all,Ryan here from UW-Extension to give a much delayed Launch Pad update. Currently, our small team of five is working to determine best steps forward in creating data visualization in the VR space, with the mobile market in mind. After determinin...

Aliah Darke Launch Pad - Week 3 "VRGN + WTFBBQ"

Pretty slow week since I'm out of town, but got a few things going. I hadn't done any coding for a couple of weeks and it feels good to get back at it. I'm keeping things simple and modular for now. I'd like to have a dozen or so bits of functionalit...

Week 4: Game Dev Document On the way!!!

Things I've completed in my GDD:Theme/Setting/GenreGamePlay Mechanics BriefTargeting PlatformsMonetization ModelInfluencesElevator Pitch/Brief project Description/Detailed Project DescriptionWhat sets game apartThings to come Next:Project Scope (Time...

Marcy Boyle- project change 3dRail, a street art speakeasy

I am putting my Little Red Riding Hood on the back burner while I develop more game engine skills and general experience. I think the budget necessary to do a good job is out of reach. So, I am going to try to do another project that I've been workin...

Lupac by Protege
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