This week I was focused on getting B-Roll of the Skidrow community. It didn't go so well. Most people weren't willing to do interviews or even get pictures taken still. After going down there for the last 10 weeks and giving out water and filming with different organizations,I feel like they recognize me now but are still very averse to cameras of any type. I was only able to get shots of tents and carts but not really good shots of people. A lot of people said they would do it for money but I'm a bit half and half on giving most of them cash now that I know how serious of an epidemic drugs is in the Skidrow community. I have already pretty much chopped up the interviews and built up my piece so during this last week, any extra footage I can get would be awesome. I'm oping to still nail the interview with Tiffany (she's quite elusive) but I think I have enough already, plus I already have footage of them giving out food which is probably good enough to get the point across.
On the development side, we got the Video Player and app working. I'd love to add some interactivity too but I'm not sure what really makes sense? I don't want to add something just to add it but will incorporate it if I can come up with a good idea.
I've really tried to be creative in putting this piece together, playing with the music and other things to give it more life. I really focused this week on watching other documentary style pieces in VR and I have honestly thought that most of them were a bit boring because they're trying so hard to give you a sense of presence....but let's be honest, until the footage is at least 8k and you don't have a headset strapped on, it's pretty obvious that it's not real life, so I figured I'd try playing with the space. I have mixed feelings on it so I guess we'll see how everything turns out and if I take out some things for my final edit.
All in all, after all this work, I'm excited to see where this piece takes me. I have really learned a lot doing it, not only about homeless people but about myself and overcoming my own personal biases.
Good luck to everyone in your endeavors and I wish you abundance!!