So I finally got my interview with the LA county sheriff. Due to my car's commandeering by Keystone Towing while I was out of town, it was no easy feat. I went really smoothly though. I really wanted to get better audio but wasn't able to find a reasonably priced mic before the flight. All in all, the room was so quiet that I think I still good a really clear interview. The sheriff and everyone at the office was so awesome and helpful.
Regardless of everything leading up to, the interview went perfect and the Jim laid out the things that the county was doing for homelessness. Even I was able to learn some things just by listening. He also included a call to action which was great. I'm pretty sure everyone will be able to take something from his words.
I've been working with the original interviewee on skid row to maneuver the community. Just walking around with him seems to be the best way to get things done so meeting up with him has been my go to. I'm going to volunteer this week at a place called We Feed the Hungry. My plan is to to document the services they provide and get interviews from the organizers. I imagine it will go just like I'm picturing it in my head so stay tuned.
Good luck to everyone in your endeavors and I wish you abundance!!