Everything worked out nicely. I went to My Friends House LA and met the founder. She was cool, and let me shoot them that day. I got some good footage of the community and My Friends House LA giving out food, water, clothes.
I was able to talk to the Los Angeles Mission and the Midnight Mission, both located in Skid Row. They gave me some people to contact and hopefully I'll be able to get the interviews.
After the proposal reviews I also feel like I need to hone in more on Skid Row because homelessness in Los Angeles as a whole is maybe too big of a topic to get a point across. I think keeping it focused on an area will allow me to dive deeper and keep the story focused and cohesive.
I've been working with my friend who's a developer to get some In App Purchases working. Ideally I'd like donation buttons inside of the app experience (or at the end) that will allow you to donate a set amount ($5, 10 or 20) to one of 3 causes. The final cause I need to speak with is going to be the LGBT Center in LA. Should go smoothly. I'll be going in this week.
I also need to figure out how I can make use of spatial audio. I think I'm going to do a study session some time this week to get down the basis and get an understanding of Facebook's Spatial Audio services. I think it will help with the immersive experience.
Got some cool motion graphics going for the titles and names of the interviewees.
Life is good. Another successful week!
Good luck to everyone in your endeavors and I wish you abundance!!