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Evolvr Blog #2

"Was John Gray on point, when he chose planet Venus for Women and Mars for men?

What if John Gray was right when he chose Venus as the environment where women come from, and Mars for Men, when he wrote his book entitled 
"Women are from Venus and men from Mars". What influenced him to pick the biggest planet for women, and Mars for men! Yes, that’s the feminist in our member Emmanuella Michel asking those questions! Seriously though, he associated each planet to male and female behaviors and their interactions. He must have consulted Literature on the subject and researched details and behaviors for each gender.  Our question this week is:   

"What elements influence a writer, producer, a designer, a project manager, a storyteller… (when it comes to choosing the right character or environment for a VR project)? Well this week our team @ EvolVR composed of Emmanuella Michel, Ren Wang, our animator Daniel and Adam collaborating - we were deep into the:  territorial area, sunsets, Rain, Dark, light, day, night, city, rural, Smell, colors… character behavior, nature... of our VR project environment. 

But what really influences a team to choose one environment compared to another, or one character from another?  Everything come into it : our past, present, our background, personal and our professional experience. We were able as a team to carefully listen to each other’s ideas and build on each as we want our VR environment to be mindful of the user feeling, sense of self, fears, challenges from the start. We want to create an environment where it feels good to live for our first character, and for the user, from the beginning of our experience." -Emma Michel

AI Chatbot Approach & Cross-Cultural Team Building

From our technical side, we've been focusing on building the capabilities for artificial intelligence so that we can present round characters in VR environments to serve as guides, gurus, or even as a social companion. These characters can listen to, and respond to the user in meaningful ways. We are drawing from the mindsets of creators from all over the world, and finding wonderful ways to bring a nice social and cultural angle to our gamified app / experience for self-improvement, relaxation, and/or physical movement insofar as it is safe in VR. We're boiling the team's many ideas into a prototype and testing the best platforms for long-term communication and collaboration and the team for Evolvr is seeking sustainability though supporting other visionary projects in VR. 

#InRiftwetrust #feelgood #mindful_environment