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Week 1: Oculus Launch Pad 2018 - Due July 9 @ 11am PST

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Hi Oculus Launch Pad - let us know how you're doing! Here is the first Blogpost thread. Please Add A Comment to share your update. Thank you 
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Diversity, WebVR, Social Experiences, Education ...

This past couple of weeks since meeting everyone at Menlo Park have been full of contemplation, insecurity, and optimism. We are all coming to terms with the idea that we must submit something worthwhile in three months, and that we will probably need others to help us. This has been an interesting point for myself as I feel I have a relatively clear idea - I want to explore how we can do education better in VR - but in the past I usually just figure things on my own. I am fortunate that I am both a Professor at a Canadian College and currently pursuing a PhD exploring what education might look like in VR and AR, so pursuing an educational application seems quite reasonable as I am already quite familiar with what is and isn't out there.

Three months is not a great deal of time, but the monetary/developer support and validation of Oculus is a true motivator; particularly as someone not often successful at finding support for my past art and academic endeavours. Because of this it will be crucial to find others passionate enough to work together on this project; but how do we do that when everyone has their own strong ideas of direction is something I am still trying to figure out …

Taking all the above thoughts into consideration, here are my musings for the first leg of this journey.

  • I truly believe in WebVR and the A-Frame toolset to move this project along. The openness and accessibility of the web is huge; and I have enjoyed the sensible developer choices and helpful communities of WebVR/A-Frame.
  • I have experimented with testing social WebVR in the past so I have some ideas on how to proceed; but now the pressure is on to create something more concrete and fully formed for this prototype pitch.
  • I need to form a small team to help with development and content creation.
  • For this prototype build my team will likely be small and consisting of those I have worked with in the past as I am not sure I have time to build that team trust with new members currently. If I can get funded I would like to expand this team to include some really interesting people I haven’t worked with before, as it is easier to recruit when you have money to pay 🙂
  • I also acknowledge that I am a white cis-gender male included in a diversity program, and that likely my described desire to create a way for others to share their experiences in my application to this program is the reason why. I have two daughters and one son, and I want to do my part to help define a future where they feel their voices are heard equally, and that they also know how to listen to others. Diversity of perspective should also be reflected in my team.
  • Sounds like there will be very few developing in WebVR this Launchpad cohort; but for those of us that are Oculus is making sure we have access to those that make WebVR support happen at Oculus (I am already bugging Justin Rogers with WebRTC and Fixed-Foveated Rendering OculusGO Questions ha). We WebVR devs are fortunate this year, and I will continue reach out the very helpful Aframe and WebVR communities.

Now while I try to build a competent and diverse team of complementary skillsets I also need to figure out my WebRTC problems, figure out if I should host on AWS, and start seriously prototyping how socialVR interactions could help us learn.

1st week_070918 - Concept
Hi I am Angelique (Lique Anderson)

OLP 2018 Boot Camp brought new friends & connections to fellow creative travelers. I gained more insight and feedback from Ebony and team re: technique, expectations, and best practices that I feel will move me forward.

So here we go! My intention is to create an interactive visual fantasy that is fun, and compelling.One of the inspirations is Laurie Anderson's "Chalkroom" VR project.  For this project, I plan to go back to basics, focusing on my art and creating a narrative experience. One possible concept: creating an experience about the earth's environment and conservation.
I am in the prototyping phase building the environment using Unity for navigation, while researching what the look&feel will be. Within the story will be experiences that allow the audience to interact and create effects. One such experience is an environment with multiple objects that create sound FXs.

This is the first time I am developing for the GO but researching and being aware of what it’s limitations are upfront is essential, especially re: textures, video, mechanics.

Next week I am traveling to work with my co-partner to brainstorm concepts. She is an actress and choreographer and we have talked many times about collaborating on a project. So this might be the one.

For next week:
  • choose and clarify beginning concept
  • designing objects & character concepts
  • ID what elements for interact
  • continue w/prototype & iterate environment
  • continue search for a coder
  • more sketching development of space

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OLP 2018 Blog Post 1

Hello Folks!

My name is Will Roberts and I’m a 3D artist, animator and VR Dev based in NYC. On the interwebs I go by @WillieRo (Instagram, Twitter, Twitch) 

I’m super pumped to share my first update and kicking this thing off right. 

While brainstorming my concept, a few questions kept popping up in my mind. If history is told by its victors, how can marginalized people aspire for something greater? How would my 16 year old self reconnect and learn about his heritage in a cool, fun and engaging way?  

The project I'm going to be working on is titled “BHX1619” and here is a short rough synopsis.

Set within the Metaverse, you are Agent 1619, a young hacker newly enlisted into an elite Pan-African cyber defense team. In a world that is obsessed with cybernetic augmentation; enhancing various traits such as body parts, intelligence and memory. A cyber terrorist deploys a memory altering virus to every connected citizen, chaos erupts in all cities and neighboring African countries. This computer virus codenamed Chainlink, causes temporary blindness, digital dementia and aggressively deletes or implants false memories of the country’s history. As a member of cyber defense team “BHX”, you are tasked with finding and eliminating the virus and the hacker who created it. On your journey through virtual dreams and prosthetic memories, you will experience African and African American history like you’ve never seen it before.

My goal is to create an Afro-cyberpunk cinematic experience that both educates and entertain. Built around a centralized narrative, the player (visitor) uses gestures to traverse through history, dreams and memories in a non-linear way. While traveling through these virtual dreams and prosthetic memories, the player (visitor) will be challenged by solving puzzles, collecting knowledge and other items to ward off the Chainlink virus. Within my first week and a half, I’ve hammered out a small game design and technical document, created a tiny story bible, rough script, theory and created tons of mood boards. Although this may sound ambitious, for my submission I’ve decided to create a small but polished vertical slice of the experience that demonstrates the core interactions, visual stylization and most importantly, the story. 

Below are a few mood boards to give you a feel of the world that I’m building. In my next post, I’ll update you guys with my asset creation pipeline and user interaction design. 





Thats all folks! Good luck on your projects!

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