09-05-2018 08:47 AM
09-10-2018 10:13 AM
09-10-2018 10:25 AM
Project Name: “Echo in Color”
This past week I continued working on the last of my core environments: the cave! I found some great tutorials online for a sense of how to approach making elements of this scene and the different styles. I worked through one of them and am adapting it to more closely match both the style and colors I’m going for (still a work in progress). I also am working to incorporate sound effects and music into this scene too as I go along. Unfortunately had some technical issues with my main dev machine crop up recently so planning on resolving that, then finishing the remaining cave work this coming week.
09-10-2018 10:34 AM
09-10-2018 10:39 AM
These past few weeks (as well as the remaining weeks) have been strict production weeks. Now all narrative and scripts are only being edited if we find that through playtesting the VO that followed it did not fit the scene well. The level for our demo has gone through some changes in order to match our scope for the project. Originally we had a lobby area that would lead into the main level of our demo, but have ultimately found it unnecessary and out of scope for the purpose of a demo, and decided it would be more appropriate for when preparing for a full release.
This week has 2 formal playtests scheduled, and we will be doing minor fixes and updates to the build as needed based on the feedback from that. I’m expecting a drastic increase in the production of the 3d models in the coming weeks, and will be excited to show what we have been working on!
09-10-2018 10:42 AM
09-10-2018 10:45 AM
09-10-2018 10:46 AM
09-10-2018 10:47 AM
am in Singapore for a few days this week where I was invited to exhibit one of
my VR artworks and speak about the intersection of art and technology. So hello from Singapore. But this post will be brief as it is 1am
here and I just traveled 20 hours.
past week -- made a lot of progress working specifically on one of the artworks
that is in my OLP experience. I was
pleased with the “magical” effects I was able to enable and refine including
liquid orbs that capture the surrounding environment in their reflections. Based on various interactions from the user,
the artwork will respond in different ways.
Also integrated various new sound triggers. I learned many more nuances of VRTK and am
excited to unleash my learnings further.
struggled against some performance issues – and fixed some. However I want to continue to learn more
about performance and hope there are some good sessions at OC5. Really want to smooth out all performance issues
in time for submission.
and team --it would be great if we had one of our Friday sessions on performance
issues too! Thanks so much.
09-10-2018 10:52 AM
Excited to be moving forward
with our build for OASIS. After two-plus weeks of failed build attempts (and
frustration) for the Go, we found success and were able to run a build. Now
we’re a go, go, go! Huge THANK YOU to the Launch Pad team and to Moni Garr for helping us
through the process. With limited dev resources, we're happy to push through the fog and make some progress. We spent the time playing catch up, adding art, game mechanics,
interactions, and iterating to refine the experience. This week we’ll continue
this process, specifically add new interactions for testing, and add sound and music, and aim to catch up to our previous timeline.
We’ve also been reviewing and
addressing the feedback generated from mid program check-in. Perfect timing and
helped us understand how to better communicate our concept. This week, we’re
taking some of the feedback to fuel our development and marketing.
09-10-2018 10:55 AM