09-11-2018 09:31 PM
09-14-2018 04:18 PM
09-15-2018 07:25 AM
09-15-2018 04:58 PM
Our Artistic Director Brendan has spent that past several weeks with our artists in LA. In addition to collecting footage of them performing, he has been interviewing them about how they got into their craft and what they think about virtual reality. He has been doing all of these recordings in the vertical format for our IGTV channel.
While recording our artists performing and speaking, Brendan had an exciting idea for a narrative through-line. He realized that all of the diverse movement styles that our artists engage in have their own fascinating histories. For example, calisthenics traces back to a movement culture in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in which everyday citizens literally began “exercising” their new free time. This history parallels that of the parlor music movement in which everyday citizens suddenly had enough time and resources to start making their own music.
Our intention is to tell these stories in 10-minute IGTV episodes. Because our VRE features a wide variety of movement styles, audiences who engage with our IGTV channel will have a deeper appreciation for the fusion performances we feature.
09-16-2018 11:17 AM
09-16-2018 02:51 PM
09-16-2018 03:58 PM
09-16-2018 05:42 PM
We decided to
develop out our storyline further to incorporate a new introduction in the
prototype and provide more details to the user.
OLP and this whole
process has really expanded our love of VR and the VR community.
Our goal with our project is to make a positive impact on the lives of others in a meaningful way and we cannot wait until it's ready!
We are getting down
to the final submission and it's exhilarating!
Keith Patterson
"Have a Beach-Tastic Week!"
09-16-2018 05:49 PM
09-16-2018 06:13 PM
Content Unlocked!
The Digital Lounge
This week we’ve unlocked the Digital Lounge - a place where you can kick back and relax. Anyone who’s finding themselves overwhelmed can lower their stress without removing the headset or leaving the experience. The goal here is to cease all motion and let our users just, you know… chill out, man.
Production Status:
This week we imported assets for the flight level of VR Sea Legs, ‘SpaceDragon First Flight’. You’ll be commanding a pair of dragon hatchlings, and they’re going to teach you how to fly. They want to make sure you love it!
We’ve been working on a pair of other VR projects - one of them an indie game developer who gave us the opportunity to help them develop a VR experience for their amazingly popular and outlandishly adorable game. They’ll be announcing it on the 18th, and I’m looking forward to sharing it with you!
The other project is a product demonstration application. Based on the NDA, that’s about all I can tell you.
We’ve been having a lot of fun with our new Mixed Reality recording studio. More calibrating, more equipment (a tripod, it turns out, is amazingly useful). We raised our lights, chased the cats out of the room, smoothed our backdrop, chased the cats out of the room, and chased the cats out of the room. After that, we started goofing off. First, we made a faux news report, complete with weather updates (note: it will be raining men, starting at about 10:30 pm).
Anyway, we also unleashed massive laser blasts from a pair of dragons.
Yes, it is a lot of fun.
One more unlock to go!