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Week 12 : Oculus Launch Pad 2018 - Due Sep 24 @ 11am PST

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Wow we've made it to Week 12



OLP18: Week 12

Project Title: Smoke & Mirrors VR

Type: VR Experience

Genre: Simulation, Social, Fantasy  

Time flies when you are having fun!  It was a great week.


rarh18nhwqcx.jpgLast week we added music loops
by Niko, added new animations, fixed a few bugs and created a new magic trick.  We also got up to build 1.25 and were able to
get great feedback on our build!

This week we are creating
more magic tricks, adding last week’s magic and hopefully adding our magic museum.  We are also creating the video for the title
song “Magic” by Niko and Lexi and the 2 min demo video (even though it’s not
required).  Should have build 1.3 this
week.  Also fixing a few more bugs that
are just annoying.

Have a great week all!

Oculus ID: JamesRL



This weekend I attended "The Portal", the VR and 360 cinema festival at LMU in Playa Vista in LA. It was absolutely amazing to see all the different works and the possibilities in VR. I especially appreciated the Women's Voices in VR panel, moderated by Jacqueline Lyanga and her brilliant and thoughtfully prepared questions. I met the panel participants Dr. Courtney Cogburn (1000 Cut Journey), Illya Scilak (Queerskins: A Love Story) and Lynette Wallworth (Awavena). Loved these women's articulate views on VR and its potentials as well as things to watch for. I also appreciated all of their VR experiences, each of them very different, but powerful in their own right. Their works allowed me to begin formulating a clearer direction for my "Medicine Garden", which will take longer to complete than my time at OLP 2018 allows. 
This was an absolutely amazing journey for me thus far, as I've gotten to know so many brilliant people surrounding VR, as well as co-found a team of creative professionals in Los Angeles, Until Reality, that wants to continue building a community around XR. I am so excited about OC5! Can't wait to reconnect with everyone! 


Week 12 / Dev Blog Post

We are so excited
for OC5!

I can't wait to see
everyone again!

This is going to be


This is going to be a Beach-Tastic Week!

Week 12 - Build

  • Bugs, Tweaks, and Improvements.
  • Further user
    testing and iteration
  • We built our project on Oculus! Yay!

Keith Patterson

"Surf's Up!"

Week 12!

It is so inspiring to see everyone's progress! This is really an incredible group.

LIVE THEATER IN VR: We are still working on this project exploring live performance in VR. I am now writing for this medium blog and thought I'd share my journey about how I came to work with professional actors in VR. Here is that first post:

METROPOLES Update - We've added a lot more detail to the street scene. It's really beginning to feel like a neighborhood.

We are in the midst of accomplishing two large pieces 
1) An Events System! I am so excited about this. My UX designer and I have been setting all of feedback aspects and they need to get linked together in the Events System.

2) A custom shader -- this will result in the watercolor effect I've been going.

Our developer is moving across the country! He's literally driving as I write this, so we'll have more updates next week as we link the pieces together.


Project: “Echo in Color”

This past week was also focused on sound — adding more effects, adjusting existing ones.  Still not yet at a place that is satisfying and taking longer than anticipated to make the adjustments.  I’m planning on spending another day or two on adjusting sound then working on polishing the text content displays after OC5.  I imagine next week will be more of this and working on getting a prototype in the channel.  Looking forward to seeing everyone in a few days!



final run to the finish line is happening.  
I’ve been working hard to complete the prototype.

been refining assets, and lighting and working on transitions between scenes
that I created in the earlier weeks.  That
is quite exciting to see the scene transitions flow.

been creating additional environmental elements for the final scene.   

finally working on optimization and framerate using the Nvidia GEForce frame
rate counter.

am excited about the social and educational impact of this project, and look
forward to scaling it.

to welcome everyone back to the Bay Area and seeing everyone at Oculus Connect



Devblog #12

Project Title: Kitten Justice

Type: VR Game

Genre: Comedy/Sci-Fi

I can’t believe we are in week 12. We’re having a huge progress. The game assets is almost done,

2 base hoverships are almost ready, can still change the texture,but at the moment I like how they look now

Still working on the script, adding more description of all the interactions the game. Later on this planing to record voice over.

Keep working with Niko, he created music for the intro of the game, telling the prehistory. Also he also sent more sound effects as shooting slingshot and etc.

I also started working on the website. The prototype of the website is already done and the developer has already started working.

Looking forward to catching up with you all at OC5 next week!

Hi all, wow, time's been moving quick. I can't believe it's Week 12 already.

This week, we worked on improving our menu interface with pointers since we like to be lazy with inventory interfaces since we'll be accessing those often. We sort of had a basic menu before, but it was very annoying to use, so we opted to use a simplified pointer system that we're still polishing up.

We created a beginning sequence as a tutorial to immersive players and teach them how to play! We tried to find that balance between some narrative and instruction and making it at least not too much of a drag. Then, afterwards, you can join people in the lobby.

Next up on the list of things to do is to polish, improve the tutorial, and change up the UI. There's so much more to be done! Also, we haven't uploaded any prototype to the story yet.

Huy Le

Blog post #12 

This week we kind of stuck at the animation part. We have found someone recorded the script, and have our developer and animator works together to cover some parts we are not able to code. 

This is week I also get to learn more about the unity share plateform of the game engine. I use unreal at work and don’t have much experience with unity.

cant wait to participate in the oc5.  

Aloha mai,

 Hope this makes it in time, internet has been a bit glitchy here in France (will have better connection as of Wednesday in Biarritz)

 The chant is done!!!  It made me tear up.  I’m grateful to be able to share it/help it reach a wider audience.  The kumu have asked about licensing (they want to use it to teach their students, which is amazing) - I have to think more carefully about how to mark free use for non-commercial interests.  If anyone has any suggestions about specific wording in this arena, please let me know!

Have a great week - enjoy Oculus Connect!