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Re: Account help

Hi EazyE187420, Thank you for your message, and we’re sorry that you’re experiencing this issue. The best place to get assistance with this matter is on the Instagram Help Center. We apologize that the Forums team is unable to assist here. This threa...

Kh_Phil by Community Manager
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My Instagram account was closed with the wrong decision

Hello remax.muratucpinar My Instagram account was closed due to brand imitation I work in an office called Remax Now based in Türkiye and they have businesses called Remax Now in 4 countries. All 4 businesses are within Remax and serve only in differ...

Unlinking an instagram account from a suspended FB account

Hi I am losing my mind. My facebook account was suspended 2 days ago for unknown reasons. I am a boring 48-year-old mom. I have filed an appeal but I have gotten no response. I want to unlink my Instagram account so I can at least access my Instagram...

tishtalk by Honored Guest
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Hi,I try to login in my Instagram but i dont know what email and password i have and phone number is not same probably was a working phone. If i search by my name is showup a profile without photo or followers. I'll like to get my username back on th...

AhileFlo by Honored Guest
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