I am integrating Oculus Avatars for our GearVR game. However I don't know what the process is for customising Mobile avatars.
I have downloaded & integrated the 3/3/2017 drop of the Avatar SDK. I have tested this code continues to run without problems on our Windows/Rift build, and I am pleased that everything continues to work as it did previously.
I've removed the #if checks in our C# code, so that Avatars now compile on Android.
However when I create an MP gameroom (which shows player Avatars), I do see Avatars, but I only see the default blue Avatar. On Windows/Rift, we'll see the player's respectively customised Avatars looking great.
I can customise Avatars on the Rift, one can see one's Avatar in the Oculus Home, and customise one's appearance from there.
How does one customise Mobile/GearVR Avatars though? I cannot see options in the up-to-date Gear VR app on the phone. Do I need a bespoke version? (I am relatively new to Android dev, and just integrating the Avatar SDK for the first time).
Solved! I had the Rift App ID set in the "Oculus Avatars -> Edit Configuration" inspector. Changed it to the GearVR App ID, and I now see customised Avatars.
On that point, in my Unity Editor, the "Oculus Avatars -> Edit Configuration" menu only shows 1 property : "Oculus Rift App Id [?]"
Can Oculus update the code so we can also enter the Gear VR App Id, and then the code chooses the appropriate App Id based on the configured platform. (Using #if UNITY_ANDROID / #if UNITY_STANDALONE, etc).