I've been reading the mobile sdk documentation, specifically the section about Universal Menu and Reserved User Interactions. It defines long presses, short presses and aborted-long presses:
A long-press occurs when the back button is held longer than 0.75 seconds. A short-press is 0.25 seconds or shorter. If a single press of the back button is longer than 0.25 seconds but shorter than 0.75 seconds, it results in an aborted long-press and cancels the Universal Menu timer.
It says that developers shouldn't implement anything related to back button long press since it's being taken care of by the VrApi. It also says what to do in case of short press, but doesn't specify anything about aborted long presses.
The Gear VR Technical Requirements under the section "Meets all reserved interaction requirements" says:
Pressing and releasing the Gear VR or Gear VR Controller back button for less than 0.75 seconds must back out one level in your UI. If already at the top level of your UI, prompt the user to return to Oculus Home using the standard Quit Menu provided in the Mobile SDK.
If I understand correctly, then an app has to implement short press and aborted long press handling, both of which should choose the best action given the current context (go back one level inside the app or prompt the user to return to Oculus Home).
Is it mandatory to implement back button aborted long press handling? If so, does it have to be handled the same way short press is handled (go back one level inside the app or prompt the user to return to Oculus Home)?