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Can't update or uninstall my "beta" app from Galaxy S7

I've been working on a GearVR/Oculus Go game.  I have the game uploaded to the Oculus Dashboard as a Beta build, and I have an Oculus Go and a GearVR (with Galaxy S7 Edge) to test it on.

The Go works fine, no issues there.

However, on my last update that I uploaded via the dashboard, the app on my S7 seems to be broken.  When I click the 3 dots in the Oculus app (either in VR or just with the touchscreen), I don't have the "Uninstall" option.  If I hit "update", it downloads the new update, then just says "update failed".  

I'm able to delete other apps just fine, it seems to only be an issue with mine right now.

I can't seem to see a way to remove the app and try to re-download it from scratch.  Has anybody seen this before?  

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You can remove your vr app anytime outside of the oculus app in the android settings->apps panel. There you get an alphabetical list and you just have to search for your appname. BTW the unability to uninstall/reinstall via oculus app happens to me too reguraliy. I think this is mainly because during development i directly deploy to the device out of unity ( without uploading new a store build, which has to be signed and a increasing version number etc... an inconvenience i want to avoid during my internal development cycle )
And this mixing of signed vs. nonsigned builds of the same app on the phone confuses the oculus app apparently...

Thank you @spacefrog !  This seems to have worked for me.