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Continue to download content if users remove phone from Gear VR <--- how to achieve this?


I am working on an interactive gearvr app that has several 360 videos. Due the size of these videos we are not including them with apk but downloading them trough the amazing internets. On GearVR distribution documentation is says ""Continue to download content if users remove the Gear VR or remove the phone from the Gear VR"

The first part is working. If user removes the gear the app goes to sleep but it continues the download process. The second part, i dont know how to get it to work since app automatically closes when i remove phone from the gear. 
Is there any API from in Oculus Unity sdk that helps me get that? Sorry if this is a dummy question, i just could not find any information about this. 

Many thanks.


Thank you for the answer. This would have been a fantastic alternative if this was released a couple of months earlier. 🙂  Would have saved countelss of hours of pulling out my hair. Luckily i still got some left. 

Unfortunatelly for this project we have already reached the deadline.  The app is in the finalizing stages and it is too risky and time consuming to make any changes.  We already have a polished working solution, just the "take the phone out from gearVR and contunue download" is an unknown variable. 

If i could get any official answer about this thing from Oculus rep. i would be super thankful. How did unity developers achieve this in early days when there was no split apk feature? 

Thank you,

Thank you.
I am using Unity.