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Controller for Santa Cruz

Honored Guest
Hi guys,

Just saw a new video of Santa Cruz in action. Looks much mobile and affordable than original OR. 
So, now about my question 🙂
What type of controllers will be compatible with Santa Cruz? Will you use optical hand tracking or simple gamepad?
It would be great to see the same features as in stationary Oculus Rift.


Not applicable
Obviously everything I'm going to say is complete speculation but adding a controller like the remote / xbox controller would be pretty easy to do over bluetooth/wifi and I'm sure that's what they are doing for now.

Using Touch would be super hard, not even sure how you'd go about that but maybe something closer to leap motion would be more possible. If the headset can build a map up of the room then relate the tracking from that to the Touch controllers some how it might be possible but yeah, still far out there and boggles the mind.

Rising Star
I'd say Touch can still use outside tracking.