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Deep Linking not switching to the newly launched application.


I've been trying to Deep link two GearVR/Go apps together and the documentation is minimal.

The deep linking works just fine if the accompanying application isn't installed, it takes you to the Oculus store front. However if I have the application installed it does not launch from one application to the other.

Here is the logcat:

08-07 07:35:40.645  1530  1763 E Security-LocalReporter: category=DifferentKeyIntentScope, message=Removed non-external/third-party component: intent(action = null, data= null, type= null, component = ComponentInfo{com.oculus.home/com.oculus.home.HomeActivity}, extras = [intent_cmd = {"ovr_social_launch":{"type":"DEEPLINK","launch_source":"OTHER_APP","deeplink_message":""}}, extra_launch_package_on_start = com.REMOVED, ])

08-07 07:35:40.645  1530  1763 E Security-LocalReporter: category=DifferentKeyIntentScope, message=No matching different-signature components for: intent(action = null, data= null, type= null, component = ComponentInfo{com.oculus.home/com.oculus.home.HomeActivity}, extras = [intent_cmd = {"ovr_social_launch":{"type":"DEEPLINK","launch_source":"OTHER_APP","deeplink_message":""}}, extra_launch_package_on_start = com.REMOVED, ])

08-07 07:35:40.647  4073  4118 I Clocks  : ReleaseClocks - start

08-07 07:35:40.647  4073  4174 I OVRPlatform: [QueueAsyncResponseHandler] success: {"payload":"Successfully launched the application with id REMOVED"}

So it appears it is successfully launching the application.

Here is what I can from app1:

//link to oculus app
var options = new ApplicationOptions();
Oculus.Platform.Application.LaunchOtherApp(ID-REMOVED, options); //Launch go version

and here is what I check in app2 after intializing the platform core:

//check to see if the user deeplinked!
LaunchDetails ld = Oculus.Platform.ApplicationLifecycle.GetLaunchDetails ();
if (ld.LaunchType == LaunchType.Deeplink) {
SceneManager.LoadScene (2);

Do I need to call Application.Quit() after I call LaunchOtherApp()?

Thank you guys very much!