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Does my GearVR app always have to run in 60 FPS?

Hello guys. I'm making an app for GearVR using Unity5.
Is there any source where I can know the requirements before sending my GearVR app to oculus store?
I thought my app have to run in about 60 fps constantly but I found it is very difficult for me if I use skinned mesh in Unity. 
I noticed that oculus is not saying every app has to be running in 60fps in their guideline.
Does this mean lower frame rate like 45 fps is also acceptable?
Does anyone have information? Do all you guys make app running always 60 fps?
Thank you.

Heroic Explorer
My reading of that page is Oculus is saying it needs to be running at 60fps on Gear VR. This bit:

Run well on Rec Spec systems (~90 Hz on Rift; ~60 Hz on Gear VR).

In my space shooter game I reduced the graphical complexity and optmised where I could to hit 60fps. I think the odd slow frame is allowed but not a constant lower FPS.

Also I don't think you can get 45FPS actually output to the screen consistently? Once you miss a vsync you have to wait for the next one so a frame either takes 1/60th or 2/60th of a second. In other words, if you consistently miss 60fps your game runs at 30fps (even if Unity says your game is capable of generating 45 frames a second, it won't be updating the screen at that rate). I'm not 100% certain on this though.

Heroic Explorer
[deleted duplicate post]


Fulby said:

My reading of that page is Oculus is saying it needs to be running at 60fps on Gear VR. This bit:

Run well on Rec Spec systems (~90 Hz on Rift; ~60 Hz on Gear VR).

In my space shooter game I reduced the graphical complexity and optmised where I could to hit 60fps. I think the odd slow frame is allowed but not a constant lower FPS.

Also I don't think you can get 45FPS actually output to the screen consistently? Once you miss a vsync you have to wait for the next one so a frame either takes 1/60th or 2/60th of a second. In other words, if you consistently miss 60fps your game runs at 30fps (even if Unity says your game is capable of generating 45 frames a second, it won't be updating the screen at that rate). I'm not 100% certain on this though.

Thank you Fulby.

Run well on Rec Spec systems (~90 Hz on Rift; ~60 Hz on Gear VR).

Yeah, this is the sentence which made me confused. "~60Hz" means "up to 60Hz" right? There I thought under 60 Hz can be accepted.

Also I don't think you can get 45FPS actually output to the screen consistently?

Yes,  you are right. I attached profiler and I found the stats repeatedly went up and down between 30FPS and 60FPS.
The script which I used to know fps was calculated kind of average of frame rate during a certain period.

Anyway, I should achieve 60 FPS somehow for shipping.
I need to find the solution for the drop caused by skinned mesh but it may be another topic.

Heroic Explorer
No Problem. ~ or tilde normally means 'about':

Oh, I totally misunderstood it. Thanks again.