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Entitlements.IsUserEntitledToApplication() callbacks never called

Honored Guest
I'm trying to integrate Oculus leaderboard into my Unity game for Gear VR, but when I call Oculus functions like GetUserProof(), Leaderboards.GetEntries() or Entitlements.IsUserEntitledToApplication() callbacks are never called. I noticed that CallbackRunner.cs script which contains Request.RunCallbacks() was not set to any object, but even after I set it to an empty game object nothing happened. 

Has anybody had the same problem before? Is it a problem with the sdk or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance.

OK so, even being the above post slightly old, just to help someone else looking for a solution to this problem I decided to answer here, as this was the only post to these forums which is related to the problem I had today.

After a deep refactoring to make my game able to easily switch between different HMD's and seamlessly use their proprietary user management systems, I have pulled my hair today for several hours because of this very same problem: Entitlements.IsUserEntitledToApplication() not showing any error but also not calling back.

I could not find a reason, until I decided to check logcat -- which was also a bit of a pain with all that DEVELOPER MODE! DEVELOPER MODE! spamming from OVRPlugin...

But then I finally found in the logcat that actually, there was an unrelated exception that I inserted myself, and it was not being reported outside of logcat.

So, my advice to find hidden bugs like this one is: check the logcat thorougly!!!