12-14-2018 09:17 AM
2018-12-14T16:47:51.902Z [DEBUG]
Preparing for upload...
2018-12-14T16:47:52.234Z [DEBUG]
Uploading OBB...
2018-12-14T16:47:52.235Z [DEBUG]
Downloading signature of previous build
2018-12-14T16:47:53.122Z [DEBUG]
Generating patch
2018-12-14T16:48:55.521Z [DEBUG]
2018-12-14T16:48:55.520Z [DEBUG] Started upload: 555568911555278
2018-12-14T16:49:08.269Z [DEBUG]
Waiting for processing to begin...
2018-12-14T16:49:09.673Z [DEBUG]
fetching previous build (2 / 4)
2018-12-14T16:49:21.973Z [DEBUG]
reconstructing uploaded file (1 / 4)
2018-12-14T16:49:23.201Z [DEBUG]
fetching previous build (2 / 4)
2018-12-14T16:49:43.055Z [DEBUG]
reconstructing uploaded file (1 / 4)
2018-12-14T16:49:44.201Z [DEBUG]
fetching previous build (2 / 4)
2018-12-14T16:50:26.079Z [DEBUG]
reconstructing uploaded file (1 / 4)
2018-12-14T16:50:27.319Z [DEBUG]
fetching previous build (2 / 4)
2018-12-14T16:51:46.584Z [DEBUG]
reconstructing uploaded file (1 / 4)
2018-12-14T16:51:47.824Z [DEBUG]
fetching previous build (2 / 4)
2018-12-14T16:54:28.367Z [DEBUG]
ERROR: Sorry, we encountered a problem while processing the file that you uploaded. Please try again later.
2018-12-14T16:54:28.368Z [WARN] Server log: {"app_id":****,"log_level":"WARN","event_name":"USER_ERROR","stack_trace":"UserVisibleError: Sorry, we encountered a problem while processing the file that you uploaded. Please try again later.\n\n at [eval]:34:36\n at [eval]:66:5252\n at next (native)\n at a ([eval]:66:1010)\n at [eval]:66:1104\n at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:103:7)","extra":"{\"os\":\"{\\\"platform\\\":\\\"win32\\\",\\\"arch\\\":\\\"ia32\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"Windows_NT\\\"}\",\"cli_version\":\"\",\"compatibility_version\":2,\"app_id\":****,\"platform\":\"ANDROID\",\"session_id\":\"****_2018-12-14T16:47:51.871Z\",\"isObb\":true,\"chunked_upload_id\":\"555568911555278\"}"}
12-14-2018 01:14 PM
12-14-2018 02:09 PM
12-14-2018 02:25 PM
12-15-2018 05:30 AM
12-17-2018 10:09 AM
Dover8 said:
It would seem the issue was resolved. I was able to upload a build at 4am GMT this morning.
09-23-2019 11:13 AM
09-24-2019 12:15 AM