03-03-2017 03:10 PM
W/linker(8606): library "/system/lib/libmedia.so" ("/system/lib/libmedia.so") needed or dlopened by "/data/app/com.oculus.systemdriver-2/lib/arm/libvrapiimpl.so" is not accessible for the namespace "classloader-namespace" - the access is temporarily granted as a workaround for http://b/26394120, note that the access will be removed in future releases of Android.I/VrApi(8606): Initializing audio capture.D/ACRA(8681): ACRA is enabled for com.oculus.horizon, intializing...D/AudioService(8606): isLiveStreamingSupportedD/AudioService(8606): Binding to audio capture serviceD/AudioService(8606): Horizon version: /system/lib/libmedia.so loaded in Android at 0xecece000W/AudioCapture(8606): dlsym() failed for _ZN7android10AudioTrack13releaseBufferEPNS0_6BufferEI/fake_dlfcn(8606): _ZN7android10AudioTrack13releaseBufferEPKNS0_6BufferE found at 0xecf21175W/linker(8606): library "/system/lib/libmedia.so" ("/system/lib/libmedia.so") needed or dlopened by "/data/app/com.oculus.systemdriver-2/lib/arm/libvrapiimpl.so" is not accessible for the namespace "classloader-namespace" - the access is temporarily granted as a workaround for http://b/26394120, note that the access will be removed in future releases of Android.
03-03-2017 03:11 PM
03-09-2017 11:38 AM