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Need help with a libvrapiimpl / libmedia error on Android N phone

We have an unlocked Exynos S7 phone and we updated it to Android N using the Samsung Smart-Switch application. It has a weird problem that we don't see on our Android M phones. 
If you press the Android "Back" button at our main menu, we run the "OVRQUIT" command which triggers the "PUI_CONFIRM_QUIT". This brings up the standard Oculus GearVR prompt asking the user if they want to return to Oculus Home, or Cancel. If they choose Cancel, they see this error:


When I check the log, I see this information:

W/linker(8606): library "/system/lib/" ("/system/lib/") needed or dlopened by "/data/app/com.oculus.systemdriver-2/lib/arm/" is not accessible for the namespace "classloader-namespace" - the access is temporarily granted as a workaround for http://b/26394120, note that the access will be removed in future releases of Android.
I/VrApi(8606): Initializing audio capture.
D/ACRA(8681): ACRA is enabled for com.oculus.horizon, intializing...
D/AudioService(8606): isLiveStreamingSupported
D/AudioService(8606): Binding to audio capture service
D/AudioService(8606): Horizon version:
I/fake_dlfcn(8606): /system/lib/ loaded in Android at 0xecece000
W/AudioCapture(8606): dlsym() failed for _ZN7android10AudioTrack13releaseBufferEPNS0_6BufferE
I/fake_dlfcn(8606): _ZN7android10AudioTrack13releaseBufferEPKNS0_6BufferE found at 0xecf21175
W/linker(8606): library "/system/lib/" ("/system/lib/") needed or dlopened by "/data/app/com.oculus.systemdriver-2/lib/arm/" is not accessible for the namespace "classloader-namespace" - the access is temporarily granted as a workaround for http://b/26394120, note that the access will be removed in future releases of Android.

(Note that this application was made with UE 4.14)

Does anybody know what we can do to address this error? 



Sorry, I didn't realize that the formatting was going to eat the log info that I included. Here it is in a more readable form:

W/linker(8606): library "/system/lib/" ("/system/lib/") needed or dlopened by "/data/app/com.oculus.systemdriver-2/lib/arm/" is not accessible for the namespace "classloader-namespace" - the access is temporarily granted as a workaround for http://b/26394120, note that the access will be removed in future releases of Android.
I/VrApi(8606): Initializing audio capture.
D/ACRA(8681): ACRA is enabled for com.oculus.horizon, intializing...
D/AudioService(8606): isLiveStreamingSupported
D/AudioService(8606): Binding to audio capture service
D/AudioService(8606): Horizon version:
I/fake_dlfcn(8606): /system/lib/ loaded in Android at 0xecece000
W/AudioCapture(8606): dlsym() failed for _ZN7android10AudioTrack13releaseBufferEPNS0_6BufferE
I/fake_dlfcn(8606): _ZN7android10AudioTrack13releaseBufferEPKNS0_6BufferE found at 0xecf21175
W/linker(8606): library "/system/lib/" ("/system/lib/") needed or dlopened by "/data/app/com.oculus.systemdriver-2/lib/arm/" is not accessible for the namespace "classloader-namespace" - the access is temporarily granted as a workaround for http://b/26394120, note that the access will be removed in future releases of Android.

After discussing it with some other folks from Oculus, we found that the error would only occur if "debuggable" was included in the manifest, and that's removed from the distribution builds we send to end users, so we're good to go.