Goal: We are looking at putting some of our VR training content on the Oculus go in 360 video format. Typically we launch training content from a web page that is tailored specifically to a client and has links to specific training that is of interest to them. We also liek to control who sees what.
First, what's possible? Our first task is to decide whether we should go ahead and build our own 360 video player that includes the network login capabilities and load videos specifically from where we choose to host them. I am quite sure I can do this with no issues.
Or, can we use the standard web browser in the GO to launch/load a video in another app. I know if we hosted content on youtube, thern we could just link to the youtube video from our site, but then the user has to select 360 video view mode which is not very intuitive and quite frankly a pain in the GO. I'd love to be able to launch it in the Youtube VR app from the web page but I doubt this is possible.
All of this would be doable in windows with a little work but obviously android brings a whole other set of limitations.
You can watch 180 and 360 video content directly in the Go's browsers, I haven't looked into how the sites that offer this detect and trigger VR playback but I imagine it's in the WebVR standard