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Oculus Go Development on OS X: "unauthorized" device

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I'm developing with Unreal on OS X:
  • I have the latest Android-Platform-Tools installed.  
  • I have enabled "developer mode" on my Oculus Go.
  • 'adb' can see my oculus go in the connected devices (thru USB), but it appears as "Unauthorized".  Unreal is not able to see the device.

As far as I see, there are no OS X Drivers for Oculus go; only Windows.

What is the problem here?

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I was able to solve my "unauthorized" problem with permission settings.

However, I am unable to Launch on the device from Unreal, as I get this error:
"Can't make an APK without the compiled .so "

Does the depreciated support for OS X indicate that we are better of NOT USING OSX AT ALL to develop for the Go tat this time?   Is windows 10 the only supported OS?

Honored Guest
Hi, see your see your comments above about working through the unauthorized problem with permissions. Can you point me in the right direction? I can't find any answer and can't get past this unauthorized device problem.  Much appreciated!