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Oculus Go : unknown sources : custom app not listed anymore, can't launch

Honored Guest
I have been working on an app for 6 months, and would test/launch it from the 'unknown sources' tab, now it doesn't show anything.

This is very frustrating! Anyone know why this is happening, what (unwanted) update did I get that made this happen,and how do I rollback? 

Not applicable
Same problem for me. 10 headsets that are planned to be used with a beta app tomorrow teaching children about traffic security are unusable. Happened this morning, probably after a update

Not applicable
Same for me...  Can't continue testing my new app.

Expert Protege
They opened up the developer dashboard to Quest, go through that it doesnt take much time and easier at the end. Or disable new menu in quest settings.

Not applicable

They opened up the developer dashboard to Quest, go through that it doesnt take much time and easier at the end. Or disable new menu in quest settings.

We are talking about Oculus Go here. What's the link with your comment?

Honored Guest
followup:  someone mentioned on reddit that android:label in the manifest must be filled in now.  I already had that, but tried changing it, redeployed, still no listing under 'unknown sources', changed it back to original, did a clean rebuild,redeployed, now LISTED under 'unknown sources'.

Not sure what happened, but that seemed to fix it for me.

Not applicable
Does'nt work. I can reload a previously compile apk and it will re-appear in unknown source. But any newly compile apk does'nt appears even if I can see them in the Headset with a file browser. (note: use unity 2019.2.15f1). Something to do with the new 16 version ???

Honored Guest
I'm having this same problem, but with the Quest after updating today.  Has anyone come up with a solution yet?