I really need help on this. I have tried so many forums to get an answer, and nobody has helped. I have five triggers set up in a scene to call an object to go to a starting position, to follow the player for a certain amount of time, then to move off to an end position. I also have triggers that trigger animations of three separate fish, which are supposed to jump over you. None of these work. I have it all set up correctly according to every forum I've searched. I have rigid bodies, mesh colliders, convex on, I made sure that everything is set up in the physics map to collide, etc. It still won't work. It won't even enter the OnTriggerEnter() function, as I even put in a visual debug code. Here is some example code of what I am doing: //fish controller
I don't think this has anything to do with Oculus. It's a matter of using Unity. Have you tried simplifying the problem? Whenever I have issues like this, it's usually something odd. So I boil it down to a simple thing - can I get a... falling cube, to fall through another cube (that is a trigger) that has a script and fire the OnTriggerEnter?
In order to trigger that, the following conditions must be met: Both objects must have colliders, one of the objects must have a rigidbody (in this case the falling cube). If you can get that working, you can slowly try to understand what about your current set up is not working.