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Request for demo app to be included in next Unity utilities bundle.

I would like to request a source code demo for Unity that included Oculus Go controller tracking with the virtual laser pointer as something that can be toggled on/off. I loaded up, perhaps a GoVRController scene to go with GearVRController, or perhaps just provide a blog post on how to extend the GearVRController scene to have this feature. I imagine it's not very complicated to set this up, however for those of us new to Unity there's a lot to take in and a simple demonstration with pointer tracking would be really useful. Thanks!

Hey Jeremy! 
With Oculus Utilities for Unity you get an OVRPlayerPrefab which includes tracked hand anchors for both left and right hand (Depending on Go setup) with a Go and Gear VR Controller model.
For the pointer you can simply use a Unity Line Renderer for visual representation and read what it hits with a raycast - It's more of basic Unity functionality than VR-specific, so including a demo scene of what would be less than 10 lines of code might be a bit redundant for Utilities. 
That said, I'm sure you can find plenty of examples and tutorials over at or Youtube. But really you just add a to the hand anchor and then raycast from whatevercontrollergameobject.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward). 

If it's just the line you want and not necessarily read anything from it, you can do with just adding the Line Renderer component and tweaking the values 🙂 

Thanks for the quick reply Tom. I'll check out those resources. For those who might stumble upon this thread I'll share this great YouTube video by FusedVR titled "GearVR + Controller Teleport with Bezier Curves", although not exactly what I was looking to do it's something else related to the "laser pointer" concept and a great instructional video.