Terribly sorry to necro such an old post, but as a new user I am unable to create a new thread and this is of the closest relevance.
We are attempting to launch a web page from inside of a Unity 5.3 GearVR application, and hopefully targeting the 'Samsung Internet for Gear VR' app.
I know of 2 real ways to potentially achieve this, the first being through the Unity API Application.OpenURL with a defined protocol (i.e. @"googlechrome://...") and the second (and more likely) using Android intents.
From what I can see from the app's manifest, there is no exposed parameterized intent that would allow for an interop call to launch that app with a URL, and I have found no information on whether or not a protocol exists.
Does anyone have any information on this subject?
Many thanks in advance, and sorry again about the necro.