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Vertical tearing with Android N, not with Android 6.

Expert Protege
Hi guys,

I'm having trouble. Our game runs perfectly fine on S6 and S7 with Android 6. As soon as we update our S7 to Android N the game starts getting "vertical tearing" like described in this thread:

Also note how in that thread an Oculus staff member claimed just 2 weeks ago to believe that Android N is still not supported by GearVR. Is this still true? Even with the S8 being released? Is this entire issue something we should worry about? We don't even know what causes it or if there is anything we can even do on our end to fix it.

Here is a reddit thread of people complaining about this specific issue as well:

So yeah, any info or help would be appreciated!

Expert Protege


Turns out this is
a known issue (Nougat slower than Marshmallow) at the native level, not
specific to any engine. 

We believe it is due to extra background activity and we
are asking Samsung to address it.

Thanks so much for the info @imperativity
To be clear, I can put my game through the submission process even though this is an issue that is present due to Nougat, correct? (I was afraid I was going to get rejected because of this)

Expert Protege


Ok, I have confirmation that there is no longer any expected performance degradation going from Marshmallow to Nougat. If your app is still encountering issues, we will need to see the output of "adb logcat" and possibly
get a minimal project that reproduces the issue to debug.

Let me know if you want to provide either of these options (or both) for our review.

I can confirm on my side that the issue is still present in Nougat. I've downgraded my S7 to Marshmallow this morning and the issue is gone.
How can I contact you to provide you the project privately?

Expert Protege
To clarify: I'm confirming the issue still remains the same. Vertical tearing is present on Android N but not  Android 6 on Samsung S7

Expert Protege
I'll PM you a link to our project. For those of you lurking the thread I'll make sure to update as soon as I know more!

Any updates about this issue? I've noticed this tearing even in super-light scenes with stable 60fps. Tearing appears more often with higher load on a scene. For me it looks like some sort of time-warp issue.

Expert Protege

Leemon89 said:

Any updates about this issue? I've noticed this tearing even in super-light scenes with stable 60fps. Tearing appears more often with higher load on a scene. For me it looks like some sort of time-warp issue.

Developer support has been looking at the issue for a few days. Haven't heard anything from them yet but I'm told to expect news at some point this week.

A little update: I've noticed tearing happens for left eye only! Right is ok at any load.

Expert Protege

Leemon89 said:

A little update: I've noticed tearing happens for left eye only! Right is ok at any load.

I can say that this is true 90% of the time. But I have experienced occasional tearing on the right eye also.

Expert Protege
Just wanted to update and let everyone know that as of these last few days, after one of the gearvr updates the vertical tearing is also happening on Android 6 on Samsung S7. Something I can guarantee was not happening up util now. One of the updates has definitely broken it, so now the vertical tearing appears both in Android 6 and Android 7 son Samsung 7.

EDIT: And here is another thread that has popped up with the same complaint: