A customer updated the firmware of some of their Oculus Go headsets and data files on the /sdcard partition lost their timestamps. A query of the file timestamp returns 30/06/1970 08:17:34. This is a problem for our app because we check the timestamps of files to know if they are up-to-date or need to be downloaded again.
Q1: Why are file timestamps being corrupted? Q2: Can anyone make any sense of that timestamp? It's not the UNIX epoch, but it's almost exactly 1/99th of the current UNIX epoch in seconds!
We think the customer went from firmware version 3.47 to 3.53, but their were probably a few versions along the way as the patches appear to applied sequentially.
@imperativity Yes, it's a 100+ headset deployment in the training sector. I was introduced to them by an Oculus BDM from your London (Facebook) office.
Hello, I'm looking into this problem. How did you update your firmware ? OTA Update ? Also are all the files/directories on the /sdcard partition with a bad timestamp or only some specific files ? Thanks, Frode
@"frode.isaksen" Yes, OTA update. The customer thinks they narrowed it down to 3.49 to 3.51.
I'm not sure if it was all files as I don't have the device in hand, but it appeared to be all of the ones in our folder, i.e. every file the app checked was changed.
I have tried to reproduce this with OTA from 3.49->3.51 with no luck. The files that have corrupted timestamps are they within a created directory in /sdcard or within Music/ Pictures/.... ? What are the file/directory names ? Thanks, Frode
@"frode.isaksen" One example would be /mnt/sdcard/AVNCloud/data.avncloud.com/activities/524189/icon.png If you want the actual file to test with (in case it's relevant) it's here: http://data.avncloud.com/activities/524189/icon.png
I tried again with the above file paths and I was no able to reproduce. Is it possible for me to download and install your app ? Note that if you create a file with Wi-Fi not connected, the timestamp will be in 1970's...
Thanks for looking into this. Here are some installation instructions. It's keys only so here are some keys in case you need them:
Let me know once you are installed and I can put it into the customers organisation, which will trigger the content download. Perhaps it would be best to switch to PM or email? rupert.rawnsley@avantiseducation.com
That WiFi date observation is interesting. I assume that's because it hasn't synchronised with a reliable time server? The devices are able to discover each other and share content without an Internet connection (peer-to-peer) so it is possible that they downloaded data after the firmware update when they had WiFi but no Internet, however we believe the files were already on the devices.