Oculus Go Development
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Detect if Gear VR or Oculus Go?

Hi! I'm getting the error when submittingVRC.Mobile.Input.7 The app should detect what device it's running on and use the correct controller graphics and terminologythe code I use to detect the oculus Go is: if(OVRPlugin.productName != null) IsOculus...

How to get oculus button on go to exit app

What needs to be done to get my app to exit/pause when you press the oculus/home button or back on the go remote? I am using native without unity. I have tried the input api but there is no button state for that or the back button. Neither button doe...

OVR Metrics explain needed.

Hi, i just run OVR Metricson my phone and it show on my project that GPU L3 and CPU L2 , what does it mean? is it something like nvidia clock stage for each? GPU is in level3 and CPU in level 2? Thanks

Oculus vr video360 sample app crashing on startup

Hello!I tried to run the sdk sample app "Video360) on my samsung s8 and ovr sdk version 1.20.I get an error in FolderBrowser (VRGui/src/FolderBrowser.cpp) in line 819.OVR_ASSERT( ThumbPanelBG != 0 && panelW == ThumbWidth && panelH == ThumbHeight );Ap...

Jeff992 by Honored Guest
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Oculus Go - Retrieving logs from OVRMetricsTool

I've successfully installed the OVRMetricsTool to the Oculus Go but I'm having a very difficult time figuring out how to retrieve the logs from it. The mobile guide only mentions how to retrieve it from an Android phone, unless I missed something. Ca...

VRex by Protege
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Facebook Authentification on Samsung Gear VR

I'm developing a cross platforme VR application, Android/IOS/PC/SamsungGearVR, so I'm using Unity3D.For the login part, I included the facebook SDK (that allows to login under Android and IOS).The Samsung Gear VR applications are only running when th...

Android webview as texture in Unity

Hi I'm trying to figure out how to get an Android WebView rendering to a texture in Unity similar to how its done with the MediaPlayer android object in the example given by Oculus in MoviePlayerSample.cs from the sample movie player project in the S...

GO Geometry shader substitue [unity]

I have a gemotry shader for PC build. where the uses input draws a new alpha texture and the geometry shader manipulates the mesh vertex based on the alpha texture. What shader level does the GO support. What techniques do I need to research for vert...

Oculus Go Vs Gear VR - how to optimise???

Hi there!I am currently in the process of optimising my Oculus Go app for Gear VR.On Go my app runs at a silky smooth 72FPS, at 1.5x the standard resolution. Yeah!When I deploy to Gear VR, using a Galaxy S7, the performance is terrible.Even with a re...

Urgent deployment

Hi Oculus Team, I submit my app for review yesterday. This app has to be deployed urgently, is it possible to accelerate the process (less than 1 week)?AppID: 2056648331048613 Thank's a lot for your understood.Emilien

GearVR oculus sample app not working

Hello!I have a hard time getting the sdk samples running.I am getting a SIGSEGV when I try to run the Videos360 sample applicationCan anyone help me?P.S: Gear VR with Samsung S8 and oculus SDK v1.20

Jeff992 by Honored Guest
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vrapi and matrices

I am working on making my own engine and am having many issues getting rendering to work. I am trying to get a handle on the matrices that get handed to me by the tracking system. First I don't see how to set my min and max depth of view in the proje...

How to control Input for Oculus Go

this works in unity but not in the oculus void Update() { float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); Vector3 position = transform.position; position.x += moveHorizontal * speed * Time.deltaTime...

issue with loading dependant native libraries

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load native library "/data/app/com.intellisoftstudios.androidcore-1/lib/arm64/libnative-lib.so": dlopen failed: library "libibl.so" not foundI am getting this error on startup, however I have the library need...

dwatt477 by Explorer
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Can anyone explain this effect?

Hello!Currently i am working on a panning material in UE4.Inside i have 2 textures added together with a "add" node in the material, then panning booth.After a while you can see in the video that i will get a weird blurry looking effect while i keep ...

Oculus Go With Gamepad (Xbox One S) Haptics

Has anyone had any success in getting a synced Gamepad to trigger vibration on Oculus Go or Quest? Usually I use XInput for this type of thing on the Rift, but since Go and Quest are Android based, I having a hard time finding a solution to send rumb...

d3ham by Protege
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Oculus Mobile SDK - SDK not found bug

Hey, So I've been following this guide https://developer.oculus.com/documentation/mobilesdk/latest/concepts/mobile-studio-basics/ to open and build some of the sample apps from the Oculus Mobile SDK. However, When I get to the 2nd step of clicking OK...


I cannot view stereo cubemap from V-Ray

Hi,I rendered the stereo cubemap 12x1 from V-Ray, saved as .jpg inside Oculus/360Photos. When inside the gallery, I can open the image but it is stretched like wrapped around a sphere.What am I doing wrong? To create the cubemap I followed the instru...

luigimux by Honored Guest
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UE4 oculus fork issues when building APK

So, my first post has semi been resolved. When I build with ETC2 compression that happens, but when building with ETC1 it seems to resolve it. But, since ETC1 is uncompressed it doubles the size of the APK.New issue is the video that plays at the beg...

Resolved! Unity: Scenes very, very dark on Oculus Go?

I have a PC VR game which I'm working on porting to Oculus Go. The biggest problem I have right now is that my scenes are incredibly dark, and I can't figure out why.Tried removing the few realtime lights and going 100% baked; no changeTried manually...