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Do Oculus GO games support 6DOF?

Expert Protege
I watched Wichblood Rift version review on YouTube last night and saw the reviewer can peek around the set and also move back and forth. So I just wonder if I uograde my GO with let's say Nolo CV1 to make it 6DOF will Wichblood GO version understand my  movement in 6DOF?

And if not, whats good for those 6DOF upgrade kit for mobile VR HMD? Just to use it with PC and Steam games streaming?

I haven't tried those 6DOF upgrades myself but according to reviews I have seen they aren't really good for anything right now.  The only things you can currently use them for is streaming PC VR games or playing specially made demo apps put out by the companies that made the devices, although there are reasons why neither of these uses are particularly worthwhile.  To stream the PC games you need a decent VR capable computer and the combined cost of the Go and an upgrade kit (at least the ones I saw reviewed) means they end up costing the same as a PC VR headset anyway.  As for the apps that are made for the kits, you need to sideload them using developer mode and from what I have seen it doesn't appear that any are of good enough quality to be worth the cost and effort.

Heroic Explorer

chettawan said:

I watched Wichblood Rift version review on YouTube last night and saw the reviewer can peek around the set and also move back and forth. So I just wonder if I uograde my GO with let's say Nolo CV1 to make it 6DOF will Wichblood GO version understand my  movement in 6DOF?

And if not, whats good for those 6DOF upgrade kit for mobile VR HMD? Just to use it with PC and Steam games streaming?

No. 6dof won't work. The game would have to support Nolo. Developers don't support it though.

If you want 6DOF you're much better off buying a headset that is made for it - enjoy the Go for what it is.

The Rift is dirt cheap at the moment and the Santa Cruz is (hopefully) just around the corner.
Big PC, all the headsets, now using Quest 3