05-22-2018 10:45 AM
05-23-2018 04:31 AM
05-23-2018 08:10 AM
Playamonterrico said:
Android File Transfer works fine if you want to download movies from a PC or Imac to the Go. However, that program does not work on an Iphone. And Netflix does not allow you to download movies to a PC or Mac, you are only permitted to download to the Iphone. So, how do I transfer downloaded Netflix movies from my Iphone to the Oculus Go?
My suggestion for the Oculus Staff: allow a direct USB connection between the Iphone and the Go. Then you could play movies on the Iphone and have them projected on the Go.
05-23-2018 01:06 PM
05-23-2018 01:37 PM
Gib69 said:
Open the oculus app on your phone, go to settings and enable camera roll access. Leave the app open then put your headset on, navigate to gallery on the bottom menu select phone camera role and off you go.
05-23-2018 01:38 PM
05-23-2018 06:26 PM
Gib69 said:
Open the oculus app on your phone, go to settings and enable camera roll access. Leave the app open then put your headset on, navigate to gallery on the bottom menu select phone camera role and off you go.