I've noticed that some apps on the go have very grey blacks, greyer than you might even expect on an LCD (I'm not expecting the Go's blacks to be pure black though!).
I was wondering if some apps are colour balanced for OLED's (to avoid smearing dark colours) which means they are avoiding pure black, and thus not using the Go LCD's full colour range, leading to greyer blacks in dark scenes. Also apps designed for Gear VR may use less bright colours in dark scenes to avoid God Rays, which are much less of an issue on the Go.
What do you think - am I being crazy here or is this actually an issue?
Please note this is not a hardware issue - my Go is working perfectly. I'm just interested to see if apps are more tuned for OLED than LCD, and if this means that properly tuned apps could display darker blacks on the Go than they currently do.
I can't remember the reason why we couldn't, but at point some point I remember wondering why we couldn't adjust things like colour/brightness/contrast like we can do on our monitors.
Yeah would be nice to have more options for changing colour saturation, brightness and contrast. I still think that some apps may well be colour graded for OLEDs, and colour grading for the Go specifically could lead to better visuals.