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Up direction not registering on controller - let us know if you have this issue

Quite a few users, including me, have reported in other threads that pressing the up direction on the controller sometimes does nothing. Being careful to only use the tip of your thumb sometimes helps but not consistently. The problem comes and goes, working for a few hours or whatever before it returns. It seems to happen in any game that uses that function, such as UltraWings, Esper 2, Dragon Front and many more.

Personally, I suspect a design problem in the controller hardware or firmware and I'm hoping that a compilation of user experiences may prompt Oculus to take some action. I have not yet sent in my controller since I think there is a good chance of having the same problem with a new one if there is indeed a design defect. Note that Oculus support may ask you to do a factory reset on the headset but not tell you that you will lose all of your game progress and other content, so beware if you decide to comply. I doubt that would solve the issue but I can't be 100% sure. 

If you have experienced this specific issue, please say so in this thread. And if you have sent in your controller for replacement, please let us know whether that fixed the problem. Of course, if you were able to solve it in some other way, that would be of great interest.



I was having the same issue. After doing two factory restores and setting it down for a few hours, I came to realize that the touchpad lost it's "clickiness" -- like a button is stuck.

This is what worked for me to confirm my issue is a Go Controller error:

1) Take battery out of Go Controller.
2) Reboot Head Unit.
3) Once the Head Unit realizes the Go Controller isn't registering, the Head Unit does positional tracking with your head.
4) Use gamepad.

Gamepad working flawlessly. The Go Controller is the culprit.

Honored Guest
I've noted the same problem with UltraWings. The touchpad UP button is supposed to manage the throttle, and it fails. Can't say whether it's a hardware or software problem.


I've noted the same problem with UltraWings. The touchpad UP button is supposed to manage the throttle, and it fails. Can't say whether it's a hardware or software problem.

Did it happen to improve in the past couple of days after the update happened. Seems to have improved, or even been completely corrected for me. Coincidence?

Honored Guest
I can't say, have only had the Go for a week. You can move the throttle before take off, but while flying, you're bound to tilt over and crash if you move the controller hard to the left and try to reduce flying speed with the controller touch pad. Bad implementation of the Go controller from the game developers, I guess.
Edit: You don't have to move the controller and tilt the plane over, just press up or down. On my controller that works when I press right on the track pad.

Having the same issue now and before.

Since the latest update I think that my Go controller works a little better with throttle but it still fails to register up/down once in a while.  Same goes with Rudder, but not too often.  I think this is still a software problem since my touchpad seems to work fine with other apps.  Maybe they need to program in a little dead band?

Still a few bugs.  For example the spot landing 1/2 with the rocket assist glider does not allow you to return Home, after displaying that you have successfully received a medal.  Nor does it record any $ reward.

Edit; actually was my bad.  It registers the touchdown medal but only awards it if you stop within the target circle.  I finally got Gold, and my $4500, lol!

Otherwise a great game and hopefully they will continue to iron out bugs.
i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers

Expert Protege
I have the same problem. All games that use up  as a function sometimes don't work. It's especially annoying in Altspace VR.

I can confirm the Up direction is extremely buggy on the go controller. Many games that use Up as a command don't register approximately 50% of the time. Playing Cloudlands VR Mobile, which shows the trackpad with thumb placement, actually verifies this; the top 1/4 quadrant of the pad rarely shows the thumb when touching the pad and is very fiddly when it comes to registering the user's touch at all. I'm not sure if this is a hardware or software flaw but it needs to be looked into.