Oculus Go
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Forum Posts

Odd reticle behaviour in unity build onto Oculus Go

Hi all,New to building for OVR on Unity, onto my Oculus Go.The reticle, changes size a lot, I think because it enlarges when I'm hovering over an interactable item, smaller when I'm not.What's the easiest way to make the change in shape less dramatic...

Oculus confirms second-screen support is coming to Oculus Go

Does anyone know of how to view/stream to an external monitor, so people in the room can see what you're looking at?https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/oculus-go-second-screen-casting-coming-soon/Looking for feedback. Any roadmap or ETA on this f...

snovak by Explorer
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Oculus Go and no audio in unity

I was hoping to get some advice or assistance with this. I am working with 360 Video and whenever I package it for for the Go the audio often doesn’t work. I have tried using the audio directly from the 360 video and separating it and still have this...

Question About Oculus Go Game Packs

Hi, I just got an Oculus Go and I've got a quick question. I see that Oculus has certain app packs (like the Oculus Essentials pack for instance), that allow you to buy several games bundled together and get them for a discounted price. My question i...

Dan723 by Honored Guest
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Wheres Oculus TV

Hi, Ive had my O Go a week and am confused about something.Where is the Oculus TV app SUPPOSED to be?I am a developer, attempting to produce something in VR, but am new to the device. after 1 evening of exploration (never came across Oculus TV) havin...

Wi-Fi/Internet Drop Out Problem Solved!

Although, only about 10-feet away from my router, my new Go continually dropped my wi-fi signal and said it couldn't contact internet. I added a Netgear N300 extender next to the chair where I use my Oculus and have had NO PROBLEMS ever since.

Ruggo by Explorer
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Using two devices

I have 2 devices and both are declared in my oculus app. I purchase a game but I have only 1 account. What I want y play together between the 2 devices but I cant find the other device . How should I configure my devices?

Camaseca by Honored Guest
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Oculus Go & ipad - Content

Can anyone provide me with instructions on how to cast the Oculus Go content on my ipad? Is there a way to control the type of content that is viewed on my ipad?

Help to find games for office

I was hoping to get some insight on what games would be good fora specific request. I currently work in a Physical Therapy office and we arelooking to purchase the Oculus Go to help patients with their balance, walking,vertigo, etc. After looking thr...

LShoener by Honored Guest
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Oculus Go Native App not able to resume properly

Hi, I am trying to integrate the VrAPI sdk into an existing native engine. I've followed the documentation provided and based several steps off of the 'VrCubeWorld_SurfaceView' sample application. Unfortunately the application is unable to resume aft...

Oculus Go - 3 headsets - Group - View Same Content

I have the Oculus Go under 1 account. I have 1 mobile device. I want to provide Virtual Reality in a group setting where 4 people are wearing a separate Oculus Go headset but are viewing ALL the same content (this will help to trigger a discussion). ...

Oculus Go: can the resolution be changed?

I am new to VR and purchased the Go. So far, enjoying it. The resolution is rather fuzzy. Is there a setting for focus to make the images and text sharper? Or is there a resolution setting?

jimroyce by Explorer
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Not seeing media?

I've enabled the camera roll access and made sure that the oculus app has permissions on android, but for some reason its not seeing any media on my camera roll or in the video app. Any ideas?

oculus go overheating

i was watching movie clips in oculus tv app after a while it turns off and feels hot is that something wrong? using ut whitout charge cable pluged in. please help

selkess by Honored Guest
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WiFi connected - store No Internet

Go is connected to WiFi, but when I go to the store I just get a message saying No internet. Tested on Netflix and it works, allows me to watch shows. So I’m confused as to what the issue may be. Tried restarting, also tried different WiFi - any sugg...

Scuba00 by Honored Guest
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Oculus Go in a K12 setting. Bulk Purchase

Hello, I am tasked with selecting VR for our school. 1. If I purchased 30 "go" units, is there a way to manage them as a unit? 2. Is there a discount for bulk purchases of software for K12 education purposes? 3. If they have to be dealt with individu...

Danfrommn by Honored Guest
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Not recognised by my PC

Hello everyone, I connected with a usb cable the Oculus Go to my PC. The device under device manager is recognised as a headset but without details about manufacturer etc. under properties. The thing is that although it appears next to my hard drive ...

vagkal by Honored Guest
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PokerVR - Servers Down?

Hi all,PokerVR doesn't have the most active social presence and every time I have tried to log-in on my Go, it says that the servers are down. Obviously I do not have any connection issues on my end.Are they no longer supporting Go or do they get reg...

360 fully immersive web browser for virtual tours

Hey all,I was wondering if the Go has a fully immersive web browser? I have some content produced on 3DVista and want to be able to view the interactive tour using the Go. Ideally I want to store the tour files on it as well as internet bandwidth iss...

Can I use Unity Native Plugin for Android to use BLE

Hi I'm Satosh7.I would like to connect Oculus go to other devices with BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy).So I want to use Native Plugin for Android.Although it succeeded to build application, the screen is not displayed with dark.I'm using Unity2018.2.12f1....

Satosh7 by Honored Guest
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Hi guys my name is Harry iam a new to this forum I bought myself the new 32 gig go, wow what a device I've been getting into drones the last few months & seeing my video s on the cinema screen & the home screen is first class the only thing it gets a...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Using Oculus Go in the moving car

I was trying to use Go in a moving car but obviously it did not work. But later I thought, if I can have a gyro attached to the car then connected it to the Go via the USB port, at system level, Go has to process data from both sensor to output the f...

Can't Display this Person Right Now Message

We keep getting this message when clicking on our profile in Oculus Go. "Can't display this person right now" and our profile is greyed out. We can fix it by reconnecting the Go headset to our phone app but that's a pain to have to do that every time...

storyup by Protege
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