As a VR person developing tools for Automotive design heres a couple things that would be incredibly awesome.
1 .Currently the extrude to line function is locked to a straight curve on the tool head. Would be incredible if we could add a curve with a movable control point into the scene which could then be selected as the extrude path .
2. More flexibility with the quality and sizing of the imported stamps.
3. Would be nice to be able to import one sculpt into another sculpt file without loss of quality.
4. Opportunity to have a home view that returns the model to a lockdown size and position
5. Some kind of indication of the quality / resolution of a layer.
6. A snap to centre symmetry line from the centre of the stamp to allow more accurate symmetry of objects.
@Cory_FordVisAus "5. Some kind of indication of the quality / resolution of a layer."
There's a bounding box indicated by black lines. The number of voxels in this area is a constant. With a bit of practice, you'll get a good feel for where you are res-wise, just by looking at the bounding box and how much of it you have filled. When you up the resolution the box shrinks to half it's size.